Top Ten Scariest Wildest Animal Attacks On Humans of 2022

Animals, particularly those in the wild, exhibit a predictably unpredictable behavior. They may appear cute and cuddly at one moment, but transform into vicious predators the next. Those who reside near natural habitats typically comprehend this fact and adopt practical safety measures. However, the animal assaults that transpired in 2022 serve as a reminder that unforeseen events can transpire, leading to ghastly outcomes.

10) Zookeeper Att*cked by Tiger


In 2022, Nasu Safari Park in Japan encountered a terrible incident as three zookeepers were assaulted by a 400-pound (181-kilogram) Bengal tiger.

On January 4, a 26-year-old female worker arrived at the park to conduct a safety inspection of the building where the animals were confined. However, due to inadequate locking the previous night, the tigers were roaming freely.

Upon entering the corridor, she encountered Volta, the tiger, who attacked and bit off her hand. Upon hearing her cries for help, two of her colleagues rushed to assist but also became targets of the predator.

The veterinarian on duty took over 30 minutes to tranquilize Volta. Though all three workers were hospitalized, they survived the attack.

9) Toddler Att*cked by Hippo

Cc: DailyMail

When contemplating the most hazardous animals on the planet, hippos are typically not the first species that come to mind. Nevertheless, these colossal creatures account for around 500 human fata*ities per year. In December 2022, two-year-old Iga Paul nearly became a part of this grim statistic.

While playing outside his family home in Uganda, a hippo from nearby Lake Edward attacked Iga. Initially, it was reported that the animal had swallowed the child whole, but subsequently spat him out when a neighbor threw rocks at it.

However, officials later clarified that only Iga’s head and shoulders were in the hippo’s mouth. Regardless of the exact circumstances, the toddler was fortunate to make a complete recovery since a hippo’s razor-sharp teeth can reach up to 20 inches (51 centimeters) in length, and their bite can exert 2,000 pounds (907 kilograms) of pressure.

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8) Toddler and Mother Att*cked by Giraffe

Cc: SAPeople

Nicole Panos, a resident of South Africa, was not as fortunate as Iga Paul when she and her children were assaulted by a giraffe at the Kuleni Game Park.

The park boasts itself as a luxurious retreat for wildlife enthusiasts who desire to experience the richness and diversity of the fauna, including zebras, wildebeest, and giraffes, by exploring numerous trails. Nonetheless, guests are restricted from feeding the animals and are advised to maintain a safe distance.

As a seasoned guide at the park, Nicole was familiar with these regulations but was also accustomed to encountering the animals while on the property. On October 20, 2022, while leading her two children back to their cabin, they stumbled upon a group of giraffes. Though giraffes are typically docile creatures, one of them attacked the family, inflicting severe injuries on Nicole and tragically causing the death of her 16-month-old daughter.

The authorities have not identified any specific cause for the attack but have noted that several giraffe calves were present in the herd, and female giraffes may display aggressiveness while protecting their young.

7)  Owner Att*cked by Pet Kangaroo

Cc: Hindustan Times

Peter Eades, an Alpaca breeder and lifelong animal lover in Australia, met a tragic end in 2022 when he became the first Australian in nearly 90 years to be k*lled by a kangaroo. What made this incident particularly heartbreaking is that the kangaroo responsible for his death was a pet that Eades had raised from a young joey.

As experts explain, kangaroos kept in captivity often undergo a behavioral shift when they reach three years of age. At this point, they begin to exhibit more unpredictable and aggressive tendencies, especially toward people who are standing upright. It’s unclear what provoked Eades’s pet, but when a relative found him later that day, he had already been severely injured by the kangaroo.

Cc: Daily Mail

Sadly, things went from bad to worse as medical help was delayed due to the aggress*ve nature of the pet. Paramedics were unable to approach Eades as the kangaroo continued to block access. Eventually, police had to intervene and shoot the animal, but it was too late to save Eades, who later succumbed to his injuries.

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6) Woman Swallowed by Python

Cc: New York Post

In October 2022, a 22-foot-long (6.7-meter) python claimed the life of a 54-year-old grandmother named Jahrah, despite the common belief that snakes are more scared of humans than we are of them.

Jahrah’s husband reported her missing after she failed to return home from work, and a search party was organized. During the search, her belongings were found in the forest, and rescuers later discovered a large python with a suspicious lump in its stomach. Sadly, Jahrah’s remains were found inside the snake once it was k*lled and cut open, highlighting the dangers of encountering wild animals in their natural habitat.

5) Elephant K*lls Woman and Attacks Her C*rpse At Funeral


In an unusual incident that left the locals stunned, an Asian elephant that had escaped from an animal sanctuary in Odisha, India, k*lled a 70-year-old woman named Maya Murmu in June. Despite being rushed to a nearby hospital, Murmu could not be saved.

But the bizarre turn of events did not end there. During her funeral, the elephant returned and charged towards the pyre, grabbing Murmu’s body and flinging it into the air before trampling it once again. The elephant then disappeared into the nearby forest, leaving the mourners in shock and horror.

4) South Carolina Man Dr*wned By Alligator


Alligators are a common sight in southern states of the U.S. In South Carolina alone, there are estimated to be around 100,000 of these giant reptiles. Despite their menacing appearance, alligator attacks are uncommon, and when they occur, it is typically because the animal has lost its natural fear of humans.

This can happen when people feed them and condition them to associate humans with food or when alligators are frequently surrounded by humans and become used to their presence, such as in neighborhood ponds or golf courses.

The tragic death of Michael Burnstein in June 2022 appears to be a result of this kind of conditioning. Burnstein was mowing the grass next to a pond in the Myrtle Beach Golf and Yacht Club community when an 11-foot (3.4-meter) alligator suddenly lunged from the water, seized him, and pulled him under. Burnstein drowned while trapped underwater, and his body was later retrieved by first responders.

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3) Baby K*lled By Monkey


In July, a terrifying incident took place in Uttar Pradesh, India, where a group of rhesus macaque monkeys attacked a family, ultimately leading to the death of their youngest child. On July 18th, Nirdesh Upadhyay, his wife, and their four-month-old son were relaxing on their third-floor terrace when a group of monkeys climbed onto the roof.

As Upadhyay tried to rush back into the house, he stumbled, causing him to lose his grip on his child. Shockingly, one of the monkeys grabbed the baby and hurled him off the roof, leading to his death. Despite the parents’ efforts to fight off the monkeys and rush down to save their child, they were unable to do so in time.

2) 15 People Attacked By Leopard

Cc: YouTube

On December 27, 2022, India experienced one of the final animal attacks of the year, when a leopard injured 15 people. The incident took place at the Rain Forest Research Institute campus in Assam, India, where the massive feline started wandering around in search of food on a Monday morning.

Over the next 24 hours, the leopard continued to roam through the village, frightening residents and jumping onto vehicles. While most of the injured were forest officials, a woman and two children were also harmed. Fortunately, all of the victims survived the ordeal.

1) . College Wrestlers Wrestled By Wild Bear


Animal attacks often have tragic endings, but the story of Brady Lowry and Kendell Cummings is one that shows the power of friendship, courage, and selflessness. The two wrestlers from Northwest College in Cody, WY, went into the Shoshone National Forest on October 17 to search for antlers that had been dropped. However, they encountered a grizzly bear instead.

According to Lowry, the bear charged out of the trees and knocked him down, breaking his left arm in the process. Cummings jumped in to help, grabbing the bear’s ear and attempting to pull it off Lowry. However, the bear turned its attention to Cummings and knocked him down, biting him as well. Cummings fought back, bravely sticking his hands into the bear’s mouth to prevent it from biting his neck.

While their strategy initially worked, the bear eventually returned and attacked Cummings again, biting down on his skull and face. However, the two were eventually able to escape and seek help. Despite suffering serious injuries, both young men survived. Lowry said that their strong bond as best friends meant that they wouldn’t leave each other behind.


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