Doctor Reveals the ‘Hidden Cause’ of Early Morning Headaches – & It’s Not What You Might Expect.

Experiencing an unexpected headache upon waking can be concerning. After browsing online for potential explanations, you might feel even more anxious. However, a medical professional suggests that there could be an underlying cause for the headache.

You might attribute it to dehydration and increase your water intake, or presume that lack of sleep is to blame and plan for a nap. Yet, Dr. Michelle, recognized on TikTok as @livingwellwithdrmichelle, suggests that it could be due to a factor you haven’t considered.

Dr. Michelle raised the question, “What might be causing headaches upon waking?” She clarified that it often suggests difficulty breathing adequately during sleep. While awake, neck muscles help keep the airways open, but they relax during deep sleep. This relaxation can cause the tongue and throat tissue to block the airway, particularly if it’s already narrow or obstructed. The body tries to reopen the airway, leading to disturbances in deep sleep and resulting in headaches.

To aid in opening the airway, you may unconsciously shift your jaw forward and clench your teeth, which helps flatten the tongue. However, this action strains the muscles, resulting in a sore jaw and facial muscles, as well as headaches from the effort to breathe during the night.

Dr. Michelle recommends that individuals who frequently wake up with headaches consult their general practitioner to investigate potential sleep pattern issues.

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