These Are Some Of The Creepiest And Deadliest Sacrifices In Human History.

Things were much different in the past because humans didn’t have the kind of exposure and intelligence that we are lucky to have today. Humans mostly had beliefs which were not favorable to some other people. In this post, we have compiled a list of some of the deadliest sacrifices carried out by humans in … Read more

Hunza People; The People That Never Get Sick, Get Cancer And Live Up To 120 Years – This Is Their Secret

Everybody wants good health but not everyone is so lucky to be blessed with good health. The Hunza People are blessed with good health and are well known for their very strong immune system which is highly resistant to ailment. When these people were asked about their secret to good health, their answers varied based … Read more

All You Need To Know About The Current State And Location Of The Car Elon Musk Sent To Space Over 5 Years Ago.

There’s a saying that “time flies when you having fun”, but in this case, “time flies when you are floating’. Five years ago, SpaceX launched their powerful rocket for the first time and their CEO, Elon Musk, sent his personal Tesla Roadster car into space. The car was sent into space on the 6th of … Read more

Imhotep: The Real Founding Father of Medicine from Africa.

The Greek physician known as Hippocrates is popularly referred to as the father of medicine but that’s not very correct. It would amaze you to know over 2000 years before Hippocrates was conceived, there was a Black Egyptian known as Imhotep, who was practicing medicine and also wrote medicine books. Imhotep was a genius, he … Read more

This Is What Africans Doing Were During The Time Of Jesus (Including Benin Nigeria)

The Christians believe that Jesus Christ of Nazareth was born around 6 B.C. During this period, Augustus Caesar was still the Emperor of the Roman Empire. Tiberius was already on the throne for about 16 years during this time. Jesus, who was a first-century Jewish preacher and religious leader, was a public figure of the … Read more