Have you ever been curious about people with the largest hands in the world? Although some people may have big hands, there are individuals whose hand sizes are truly exceptional. In this article, we’ll explore the world of those with the biggest hands and what sets them apart.
10. Yao Ming

Born on September 12, 1980, Yao is a Chinese basketball executive and stands at an impressive height of 2.29 meters. Notably, his hands are also large, measuring 10.2 inches in length.
9. Shaquille O’Neal

Born on July 20, 1972, this American former basketballer may not have the largest hands in the world, but Shaquille O’Neal certainly has large hands. The former American professional basketball player’s hands are impressively large, with a hand length of over 10.25 inches and a hand span of 12 inches from the wrist to the tip of the middle finger.
8. Jeison Orlando Rodriguez Hernandez

Born in 1996 in Venezuela, Jeison Orlando Rodriguez Hernandez is known for holding the record for having the largest feet in the world. In addition, his hands are also quite large, measuring over 27 cm (10.6 inches) from wrist to the tip of the middle finger.
7. Bao Xishun

Born on November 2, 1951, this individual is a herdsman of Chinese-Mongolian nationality and has a towering height of 2.36 m. In 2005, the Guinness World Records recognized this Chinese herdsman as the tallest living man in the world. He has a height of 2.36 m and his hands are reported to measure around 10.8 inches in length.
6. Andre the Giant

Hailing from France, this professional wrestler and actor was famous for his towering height of 2.24 meters and immense strength. He also had incredibly large hands, with a length of approximately 11 inches.
5. Brahim Takioullah

Brahim Takioullah, born on January 26, 1982 in Morocco, is known for having the largest feet in the world. He also has the distinction of possessing the second largest hands in recorded history, with each hand measuring over 28 cm (11 inches) from wrist to the tip of the middle finger.
4. Morteza Mehrzad

Morteza Mehrzad, a professional volleyball player born on September 17, 1987. He is of Iranian nationality and his hands measure an impressive 28 cm (11 inches) from the wrist to the tip of the middle finger.
3. Sultan Kösen

Sultan Kösen, a farmer born on December 10, 1982 in Turkey, holds the title for the tallest living person in the world, standing at a height of 2.51 m. He also possesses notably large hands, with each measuring over 28.5 cm (11.22 in) from the wrist to the tip of the middle finger, earning him the distinction of having some of the biggest hands in the world.
2. Leonid Stadnyk

The Guinness World Records recognized a Ukrainian man, who was born on August 5, 1970 and passed away in 2014, for having the world’s largest hands. His hands measured an incredible 31cm (12 inches) from wrist to fingertip, earning him the distinction of having the biggest hands in the world.
1. Robert Wadlow

Robert Wadlow, a common man born on February 22, 1918 in the United States, holds the record for being the tallest person in recorded history, standing at a towering height of 2.72 m. In addition to his remarkable height, he also had the largest hands in recorded history, with each hand measuring over 32.3 cm (12.75 in) from the wrist to the tip of the middle finger, making him the possessor of the biggest hands in the world.