Documents Allegedly Confirm “Aliens Have Been Visiting Our Planet Since 1947”

A few years ago, an FBI document was released that suggested the potential existence of multidimensional extraterrestrial entities, or beings from other worlds. The FBI utilized this declassified information to subtly inform the public about the presence of aliens capable of manifesting themselves and their spacecraft through advanced technologies, including the ability to open dimensional portals.

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The 2015 documentation is both remarkable and surprising. The FBI sent a memorandum to scientists and military officials describing an alien species that has reportedly been visiting Earth since 1947, identified as a colossal race from another space-time dimension. This timeframe is notable as it coincides with the infamous Roswell incident in New Mexico, where a suspected spacecraft is believed to have crashed.

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Many UFO researchers and former U.S. officials investigating the Roswell incident speculate that extraterrestrial beings may have been drawn to Earth due to the atomic bomb explosions in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Other alien races from various planets are also thought to have been attracted by these nuclear detonations.

Here are some key points from the FBI’s memorandum:

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1. Some observed spacecraft were inhabited, while others were remotely operated.

2. The visitors, who likely have peaceful intentions, may choose to remain on Earth.

3. These beings, referred to as “visitors,” are large but share human-like traits.

4. They are extraterrestrial, having traveled from another planet.

5. They originate from an “Ethereal World,” distinct from Earth.

6. Their physical forms and spacecraft are able to manifest due to interactions with Earth’s dense matter.

7. Their vessels are equipped with energy beams capable of disintegrating aircraft, allowing them to vanish without a trace.

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8. They do not come from the astral planes known as Loka or Talas, which are understood by those with esoteric knowledge. Instead, Loka-Talas represent planes of consciousness rather than physical or spiritual locations, differing from parallel dimensional planes.

9. Visitors utilize radar devices to locate openings (magnetic portals) that facilitate dimensional travel.

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The material provided by the FBI is extraordinary and official, indicating that this information is credible rather than unverified. This may represent a significant step toward unraveling the mystery surrounding extraterrestrial existence.

These multidimensional beings are believed to have existed for thousands of years, with some speculating about their potential malevolence. However, it is essential to recognize that projecting human behavior onto them when considering hostility may not be accurate. Achieving a certain level of mental and spiritual independence could enable us to perceive truths beyond our typical understanding.

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