Analyzing r*pe as a cr!me presents significant complexities. In many regions, r*pe is vastly underreported. In certain countries, women are far less likely to have their complaints documented, primarily because of the severe social stigma attached to victims of s*xual ass@ult or the fear of being ostracized by their own families.
Statistics on r*pe and other s*xual ass@ults are more readily available in developed countries, and sadly, these crimes are prevalent even in such nations. Many cases of s*xual assault go unreported worldwide. Here, we present statistics for ten well-known countries with high rates of r*pe crimes. It may come as a surprise that some of the most advanced countries, including the United States, Canada, Sweden, and the United Kingdom, grapple with this issue.
Globally, approximately 36% of women have experienced either physical or s*xual intimate v!olence. In the United States, a shocking 83% of girls aged 12 to 16 have encountered some form of s*xual harassment in public schools. In England, one out of every five women aged 16 to 59 has experienced some form of s*xual v!olence. These sobering statistics underscore the prevalence and gravity of the problem on a global scale.
10. Denmark and Finland

In Europe, one in three women has endured some form of physical or s*xual assault, with 5% having experienced r*pe.
A 2014 study by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights revealed concerning statistics. Approximately 47% of surveyed women in Finland reported suffering physical and/or s*xual abuse, while the figure was 52% for women in Denmark. It’s noteworthy that Finland was one of the last EU countries to cr!minalize marital r*pe, achieving this in 1994.
Disturbingly, more than 1 in 10 women interviewed disclosed experiencing some form of s*xual v!olence by an adult before turning 15 years old. For those aged 15 and older, one in 10 had encountered s*xual v!olence, and one in 20 had been subjected to r*pe. Additionally, over 1 in 5 women had experienced physical and/or s*xual v!olence from either a current or previous partner. Alarmingly, only 13% of women reported their most serious incident to the police, highlighting the significant underreporting of these crimes.
9. Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe ranks 9th among countries with the highest r*pe crimes globally, highlighting a concerning issue. Disturbingly, in Zimbabwe, at least one woman falls victim to r*pe every 90 minutes. Recent statistics from the Zimbabwe National Statistics (ZimStat) reveal that approximately 500 women face s*xual abuse monthly, equating to around 16 women being raped daily.
During the first three months of the year, a total of 1,524 cases were reported, marking an increase from 1,285 cases recorded during the same period the previous year. Worryingly, among these reported cases, 780 victims were children aged 11 to 16, and 276 were children aged between 5 and 10. However, there are concerns that the actual numbers could be higher, given that many cases go unreported.
UNICEF reports a significant surge in child r*pe cases in Zimbabwe, with a 42% increase. The number of reported r*pe cases involving minors rose from 2,192 in 2010 to 3,112 in 2014. It’s important to note that many other cases likely went unreported due to the prevailing climate of secrecy and denial surrounding this issue.
8. Australia

In Australia, the reported r*pe rate per 100,000 people is relatively high. In the past year, it’s estimated that 51,200 Australians aged 18 and over became victims of s*xual assault. Unfortunately, only around 30% of these victims reported their most recent incident to the police.
According to, the statistics are particularly distressing for Australian women. One out of every six Australian women has experienced the harrowing ordeal of r*pe by a non-partner, a much higher prevalence compared to one in 14 women worldwide. Shockingly, Australian women aged over 15 have fallen victim to such crimes. In a global study including Australia and New Zealand, these countries ranked third with 16.4% of women reporting being r*ped by someone other than a partner.
Karen Willis, the executive officer of the NSW R*pe Crisis Centre, reveals a troubling trend, with more than 70% of s*xual assaults being committed by family members, friends, colleagues from work or school. An additional 29% of r*pes occur in social or dating situations. Strikingly, just 1% of r*pes are committed by strangers. These statistics underscore the importance of addressing not only stranger r*pes but also the deeply concerning issue of s*xual assault within social circles and by acquaintances.
7. Canada

In Canada, among all reported v!olent crimes, s*xual assault has shown a significant increase in reported rates. As per huffingtonpost, an alarming estimate of 460,000 s*xual assaults occurs in the country annually. Shockingly, only 33 out of every 1,000 s*xual assault cases are reported to the police, and merely 29 are officially recorded as crimes.
Disturbingly, one in four North American women will experience the torment of r*pe during their lifetime, with 11% of these victims sustaining physical injuries as a result. Shockingly, statistics reveal that only 6% of these incidents are reported to the police. Furthermore, over 80% of s*xual assault victims are women, and the majority of these incidents occur within the home environment, with 80% of assailants being friends or family members of the victims.
Perhaps one of the most distressing statistics is that 83% of disabled women will experience s*xual assault during their lifetime. Among all s*xual assault victims, 17% are girls, and 15% are boys under the age of 16. These numbers underscore the urgent need for addressing s*xual assault on multiple fronts, including prevention, reporting, and support for victims.
6. New Zealand

The Roast Busters scandal in 2013 brought to light a disturbing reality about r*pe in New Zealand. A group of young men from West Auckland, who called themselves “Roast Busters,” were accused of attempting to intoxicate underage girls for the purpose of gang r*pe.
According to a report from the British medical journal The Lancet, New Zealand’s s*xual assault rate far exceeds the world average, ranking it as the third highest alongside Australia, with 16.4% of its female population affected.
Statistics from the Minister of Justice Publication Report are equally alarming, indicating that a s*xual v!olence attack occurs every two hours in New Zealand. Shockingly, the data suggests that one out of three girls and one out of six boys are likely to experience s*xual abuse before the age of 16.
The prevalence of s*xual assaults in New Zealand has increased by 15% in a year, with incidents at schools doubling. Only 9% of s*xual offenses are reported to the police, and of those reported cases, merely 13% result in convictions. Tragically, 91% of r*pe cases either go unreported or victims are dissuaded from pursuing complaints due to intimidation or discouragement from law enforcement authorities. These statistics underscore the urgent need for comprehensive efforts to address s*xual assault in New Zealand.
5. India

R*pe and s*xual v!olence constitute a significant and distressing issue in India. According to the National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB), cr!mes against women have seen a troubling 7.5% increase since 2010. The reported cases of r*pe in India, a nation with a population exceeding 1.2 billion people, surged from 24,923 in 2012 to 33,707 in 2013. Shockingly, the majority of r*pe victims fall within the age range of 18 to 30 years. Approximately one in three victims is below 18 years old, and one in ten is under 14 years old. This chilling data underscores the alarming reality that a woman in India is subjected to r*pe every 20 minutes.
In 2013, New Delhi emerged as the city with the highest number of reported r*pe cases in India. On average, four r*pe cases were reported in the city each day. In terms of total r*pe cases, New Delhi recorded 1,636 cases, followed by Mumbai (391), Jaipur (192), and Pune (171). Among Indian states, Madhya Pradesh exhibited the highest incidence of r*pe, averaging 11 cases every day. Madhya Pradesh (4,335 cases) was trailed by Rajasthan (3,285 cases), Maharashtra (3,063 cases), and Uttar Pradesh (3,050 cases).
Moreover, a distressing statistic reveals that 93 women face r*pe every day in India. The majority of the perpetrators are known to the victims, with 94% of the accused being individuals familiar to the survivors. These include neighbors (10,782 cases), acquaintances (18,171 cases), relatives (2,315 cases), and even parents (539 cases).
It’s crucial to note that most r*pe cases, both in India and globally, go unreported. Madiha Kark estimates that approximately 54% of r*pe cases remain unreported, while Mihir Srivastava suggests that an alarming 90% of r*pes in India go unreported. These stark figures emphasize the pressing need for comprehensive efforts to address and combat s*xual violence and to create an environment where survivors feel safe and supported when reporting such crimes.
4. England and Wales

In the United Kingdom, the crime of r*pe is not gender-neutral; it can only be committed by a male against a person. Additionally, the UK has not followed the trend seen in many countries of classifying acts other than penetration with a p*nis (such as penetration with an object or finger) as r*pe (R*pe statistics United Kingdom).
According to a report titled “An Overview of S*xual Offending in England and Wales,” released in 2013 by the Ministry of Justice (MoJ), Office for National Statistics (ONS), and Home Office, there are approximately 85,000 victims of r*pe each year in England and Wales. This includes 73,000 females and 12,000 males, translating to approximately 230 cases daily. The report also highlighted that one in every five women has experienced some form of s*xual violence since the age of 16.
BBC reports indicate that the number of reported and recorded r*pes by police is at its highest-ever level, experiencing a 29% increase, even as overall cr!me rates decline in England and Wales.
According to a study conducted by the NSPCC on young people aged between 13 and 18, one-third of girls and 16% of boys have experienced s*xual v!olence. Shockingly, the study estimates that as many as 250,000 teenage girls are suffering from abuse at any given time. It’s also concerning that 12% of boys and 3% of girls reported committing s*xual v!olence against their partners. These statistics highlight the importance of addressing and preventing s*xual v!olence in the UK.
3. USA

According to George Mason University’s Worldwide S*xual Assault Statistics, the prevalence of s*xual abuse is a significant concern. Shockingly, 1 in 3 American women will experience s*xual abuse during their lifetime. Approximately 19.3% of women and 2% of men have been subjected to r*pe at least once in their lives. Furthermore, an estimated 43.9% of women and 23.4% of men have experienced other forms of s*xual v!olence during their lifetimes. Disturbingly, many victims of s*xual abuse endure their ordeals at a young age, with approximately 79% being first r*ped before the age of 25, and 40% before turning 18 (source: usatoday).
RAIIN (R*pe, Abuse & !ncest National Network) reports that someone in the United States is s*xually assaulted every 107 seconds, resulting in an annual average of 293,000 victims aged 12 or older. Alarmingly, 68% of s*xual assaults are not reported to the police, and a mere 2% of r*pists will ever face legal consequences.
Among college-age individuals, an average of 65,668 women and 2,866 men experience r*pe or s*xual assault annually. Shockingly, more than a quarter of college-age women report having experienced r*pe or a r*pe attempt since the age of 14, yet only 16% of these cases are reported. Females aged 18 to 24 have higher rates of r*pe and s*xual assault compared to other age groups. The rate of r*pe crimes is 1.2 times higher for non-students than students, with female students more likely to experience victimization away from home, while non-students are more likely to be assaulted at home. For females living in rural areas, the rate of r*pe and s*xual assault victimization is nearly 2 times higher for non-students.
Moreover, according to The Department of Justice, the issue of s*xual abuse extends to prison settings, where more men are r*ped than women. An alarming 216,000 prisoners fall victim to r*pe each year in the U.S. The latest National Inmate Survey indicates that 4% of prisoners, 3.2% of people in jail, and 9.5% of those in juvenile detention have reported being victims of s*xual abuse. Notably, almost 7% of women in these settings reported being s*xually abused by a fellow inmate, while a higher number of men reported assaults by staff members. These statistics highlight the urgency of addressing s*xual abuse comprehensively and across various settings.
2. Sweden

Sweden currently ranks second in the world for reported r*pes, following South Africa with a rate of 53.2 per 100,000. Troubling statistics now indicate that one out of every four Swedish women falls victim to r*pe. Even more concerning is the drastic increase in the number of reported r*pes over the years. In 1975, there were only 421 reported r*pe cases to the police, while in 2014, this number escalated to 6,620—an alarming rise of 1,472%. These figures paint a concerning picture of Sweden as a potentially more dangerous place for women in the world.
Furthermore, Sweden holds the unfortunate distinction of having the highest rate of r*pe in Europe. According to the Swedish National Council for Cr!me Prevention (Brå), there were 63 reported r*pe cases per 100,000 in the population.
R*pe crisis advocates in Sweden report that one out of three Swedish women experiences s*xual assault before leaving their teenage years. Disturbingly, during the first half of a year, over 1,000 Swedish women reported being r*ped, with over 300 of them being under the age of 15, allegedly by individuals with Muslim backgrounds in Stockholm. These statistics highlight the urgency of addressing and preventing s*xual v!olence in Sweden, as well as the importance of ensuring the safety and well-being of its residents.
1. South Africa

South Africa grapples with one of the world’s highest rates of r*pe crimes, estimated at 500,000 cases annually. Shockingly, over 40% of South African women are expected to experience r*pe during their lifetimes. The Medical Research Council’s estimate suggests that only 1 in 9 r*pes is reported, indicating that the actual number of r*pes is significantly higher than police-recorded figures.
South Africa leads the list with the highest reported incidents of r*pe crimes. While the majority of s*xual violence victims are women, men and children also endure this heinous crime. A report reveals that more than 4% of men have been forced into s*xual acts with other men. Disturbingly, according to South African Police, 41% of all reported r*pe cases involve children, with approximately 15% of r*pe victims being children under the age of 11.
The Tears Foundation and the Medical Research Council estimate that 50% of South Africa’s children will experience abuse before turning 18. Another source indicates that there were 24,892 reported cases of r*pes and attempted r*pes involving children under the age of 18. These harrowing statistics underscore the urgent need for comprehensive efforts to address and combat s*xual v!olence in South Africa, protecting its most vulnerable citizens.