12 Unusual Things That Are Seen as Attract!ve in Various Countries

Beauty standards differ across countries, shaped by the local customs and traditions people uphold. What one culture sees as beautiful might seem unusual to another, highlighting the subjective nature of beauty. In some regions, features like pale skin, crooked teeth, or full lips are considered highly attractive. Traits that may cause self-consciousness in one culture are often celebrated in another. We’ve identified several unique characteristics viewed as attractive in different parts of the world, including being overweight.

12. New Zealand and Myanmar

The beautiful Māori tattoo tradition called moko kauae, which adorns the face and lips, has been a longstanding practice for centuries but has gained greater visibility in New Zealand in recent years. This tattoo represents a woman’s knowledge, skill, status, and leadership within her community. In 2019, Oriini Kaipara became the first news presenter to showcase this traditional facial tattoo on national television. Additionally, facial tattoos are commonly found among the Chin tribe of Myanmar, who have practiced this custom since ancient times.

11. Namibia and Angola

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Tribes in Angola and Namibia are famous for their unique hairstyles. Women create a colored paste for their hair by blending crushed red stones with oil, herbs, and dried cow dung. To add more intricacy to their hairstyles, they often include decorative elements such as shells and even dried food.

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10. Northeast India

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Apatani women are known for their striking and unique look, characterized by large wooden nose plugs and vertical tattoos on their faces and chins. According to local legend, Apatani women were considered the most beautiful in the region. Interestingly, the intent behind these distinctive tattoos and nose plugs was to reduce their attractiveness, thereby deterring men from other tribes from seeking to marry them.

9. Tajikistan

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Unlike in many Western nations, where a unibrow is considered undesirable, in Tajikistan, it is seen as a sign of vitality for men and purity for women. Those lacking this unique facial characteristic often use herbs and charcoal sticks to create a faux unibrow. Additionally, the unibrow is also viewed as fashionable in several Middle Eastern and Asian countries, such as Oman.

8. Southeast Asia and Oceania

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Teeth blackening is an age-old custom primarily seen in Southeast Asia and Oceania, though it was also practiced in India and Japan until it was prohibited during the Meiji era. In the past, certain tribes in Peru and Ecuador also engaged in this practice.

Usually carried out during puberty, teeth blackening helps prevent decay and promotes long-term dental health. Its effects resemble those of contemporary dental sealants, and it serves as a symbol of elevated social status, maturity, beauty, and refinement.

7. Mursi tribe, Ethiopia

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In the Mursi tribe, large and vibrant lip plates are seen as a mark of beauty. This distinctive adornment is primarily worn by unmarried and newlywed women rather than by older married women with children. They are usually showcased during important events and significant ceremonies, including weddings.

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6. Long Neck

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In eastern Burma, women wear brass rings around their necks, with the belief that the longer their necks, the more attractive they appear. This region is often called “the land of the giraffe women.”

5. Pale Skin

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In several Asian countries, pale skin is considered the ideal beauty standard. In some places, people wear masks during the summer to protect their fair complexion. There’s a notable fascination with the vampire look! Many in China, for example, avoid going to the beach without a mask to prevent sun exposure and maintain their pale skin, as the vampire-like appearance is seen as desirable.

4. High Foreheads

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While bangs are commonly used to conceal a high forehead and boost attractiveness, women in Africa’s Fula tribe intentionally cut the hair at the front to highlight their high foreheads, which are considered fashionable. Although a prominent forehead may not be seen as attractive in other cultures, the Fula regard it as a sign of beauty. Similarly, during medieval times, women would remove the front portion of their hair to create the appearance of a higher forehead, as it was seen as more appealing.

3. Scars

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In African countries like Guinea, body and facial scarring is a common form of artistic expression. While many of us use tattoos for body art, a facial scar that might be seen as unattractive elsewhere is considered appealing in this region. These scars symbolize significant life events, such as puberty and marriage, for both men and women.

2. Crooked Teeth In Japan

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A straight, aligned smile is often seen as ideal, but in Japan, crooked teeth are considered desirable. In fact, it’s viewed as cute! Many people visit dentists specifically to achieve this look. This style of beauty, called ‘Yaeba,’ is popular among both young men and women in Japan.

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1. Overweight

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We’re not saying that being fit isn’t appealing! However, in Mauritania, a country in Northwest Africa, overweight women are considered highly attractive. While some might feel self-conscious about a rounded stomach, men in this region don’t see it as an issue.

In fact, young girls are often encouraged to consume up to 16,000 calories a day. Many parents send their daughters to special “farms” where they are fed to reach this standard. Sadly, this tradition often leads to stomach-related health issues for many girls.

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