Ah, Nostradamus—the prophet who never fails to fascinate. Famous for predicting major world events like the death of King Henry II of France and the rise of Adolf Hitler, his cryptic forecasts continue to captivate readers as they attempt to decipher his predictions for both past and future events.

Even today, opinions on his prophecies are divided. Critics argue that his quatrains are so vague they can be applied to any number of events in hindsight. Yet, many believe he is one of the greatest seers in history.

So, where does the truth lie? The best way to find out is by diving into his writings. After closely examining his words, we’ve identified a few predictions that could unfold next year. If they do, Nostradamus will once again be hailed as a visionary—or maybe we will be for interpreting them correctly! Either way, it’s sure to spark even more intrigue.

4. Controversy in the EPL

Cc: history.co.uk

So far, Nostradamus has delivered his usual grim predictions, but it’s intriguing to see him delve into the world of sports as well. In two different quatrains, he mentions the cock overcoming the eagle, which football fans interpret as a nod to Tottenham Hotspur (whose crest features a cockerel) and Crystal Palace (nicknamed the Eagles).

“The Cock will see the Eagle, its wing poorly finished,

By the Lion will it be put into extremity.”

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These lines imply that Crystal Palace might face severe financial difficulties due to the Premier League (symbolized by the lion), likely for not meeting PSR regulations. Tottenham is expected to capitalize on this by fortifying their team, presumably by acquiring Eberechi Eze. This theory is supported by the later line: “weakness to the eagle, strength will be born to the cock.”

3. Volcanoes and floods in Brazil 

Cc: history.co.uk

Are you starting to notice a recurring theme in Nostradamus’s predictions? The oracle seemed to have a knack for foreseeing disaster, and his gloomy outlook wasn’t limited to Europe—it extended across the Atlantic as well. While many believe he predicted 9/11, the following lines could hint at future events in South America:

“Garden of the world near the new city,

In the path of the hollow mountains:

It will be seized and plunged into the Tub,

Forced to drink waters poisoned by sulphur.”

The “Garden of the world” likely refers to the Amazon rainforest, and “the new city” could be Brasília, Brazil’s planned capital. The mention of “hollow mountains” aligns with the region’s mountainous terrain, and “plunged into the Tub” suggests flooding, while “sulphur” implies volcanic activity. Recently, “mysterious rumblings” near a long-dormant volcano raised concerns among locals—could their fears be realized in 2025?

2. War and plague to surface in Europe

Cc: history.co.uk

However, the situation in Europe may face further turmoil—and this time, the UK is at the center.

“When those from the lands of Europe

See England establish her throne behind,

There will be cruel wars.

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The ancient plague will be worse than enemies.”

The mention of England (as the concept of Britain didn’t exist in Nostradamus’s time) retreating inward likely refers to the aftermath of the Brexit referendum and its lingering impact. While issues like labor shortages and border delays have already caused concern, Nostradamus’s grim prediction of “cruel wars” and a resurgence of an “ancient plague” hints at even more serious challenges on the horizon.

1. An end to the Ukraine conflict?

Cc: history.co.uk

In February 2022, tensions in Eastern Europe erupted with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Since then, the conflict has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives and displaced millions, making it the continent’s largest crisis since World War II. But could there be a path toward resolution?

Through prolonged warfare, the army becomes weary,

lacking funds to pay its soldiers;

instead of gold or silver, they will mint leather,

Gallic brass, and the crescent symbol of the Moon.

This quatrain hints at an exhausted military and depleted financial resources, suggesting a possible end to the conflict, though the details are vague. “Gallic brass” could allude to France, while the “crescent” symbol may represent Turkey, both of which have previously shown support for Ukraine. These nations could potentially play key roles in bringing about a resolution to the war.

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