Su!cide is a worldwide public health concern, impacting individuals of diverse ages, genders, and cultural backgrounds. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 800,000 lives are lost to su!cide annually. Although su!cide rates differ significantly from one country to another, some nations experience a higher prevalence of su!cide cases than others.
The thoughts that occupy a person’s mind just moments before they take their own life remain a mystery known only to them. Across time and various religious texts, it’s been suggested that a soul may find no peace if it departs before its designated time, especially in cases of su!cide or m*rder. In certain countries with alarmingly high su!cide rates, a collective sense of haunting by the departed can linger.
In essence, any unnatural death can lead to the belief in unsettled spirits, wandering for decades or even centuries, as depicted in folklore. There are reports of individuals referred to as the ‘undead’ who, due to their unhappy, prematurely ended lives, are said to return to haunt the living.
Folklore and the enigmatic tales of ghosts persist as timeless narratives, passed down through the generations. In contrast, suicide is a stark reality, affecting people of all ages for a multitude of known and unknown reasons. The following is a list of the top 10 countries with the highest su!cide rates in 2021, encompassing instances involving both males and females, su!cides shrouded in mystery, and those driven by comprehensible reasons.
10. Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan, a country often overlooked on the global stage, has unfortunately made headlines for a trag!c reason. It ranks tenth in the world for its distressing su!cide rates. Within a span of five months, 86 teenagers took their own lives in Kazakhstan. What’s particularly heartbreaking is that all of these young souls were under the age of 18, leaving us to wonder what could push someone so young to such a desperate act.
Many of these cases can be traced back to common issues, such as the pressure of academic exams and the fear of facing public embarrassment in case of failure. It’s essential to remember that failure, although difficult, doesn’t mark the end of the road; one only truly fails when they give up. Other contributing factors to these trag!c incidents include extreme feelings of loneliness, conflicts at school that may breed hostility, and family disputes.
9. Nepal

According to reports from the Nepali Police, Nepal witnessed a devastating surge in su!cides following the catastrophic earthquakes of April 2015. These earthquakes had a profound impact, leading to approximately 965 individuals choosing to end their own lives rather than succumb to one of nature’s most formidable forces.
It’s plausible that the aftershocks of those trag!c events still haunt the people of Nepal, driving some to despair, especially those who lost loved ones. This has contributed to Nepal’s unfortunate distinction as one of the countries with a high su!cide rate.
These earthquakes undoubtedly struck fear into the hearts of the Nepali population. Few can imagine the terr*r of a ground-shaking event that threatens to bury everything they hold dear under rubble, including their homes and cherished possessions.
Nepali police data further reveals that over 4,000 people take their own lives each year, with a significant portion attributing their reasons to the fears and grief stemming from natural disasters. Others may cite poverty as a driving factor. While humans cannot control natural disasters, they do have agency over their own actions when it comes to self-preservation.
8. Tanzania

Tanzania is grappling with a devil of its own, and we’re not referring to the famous “Tasmanian Devil.” In this case, the devil is the persistent rise in su!cide rates that show no signs of abating; in fact, they often increase over the years.
These escalating su!cide rates in Tanzania have reached a point where they raise alarm among psychiatrists, psychologists, and other mental health professionals. It prompts them to deeply consider the underlying causes of this surge in su!cide, sparking anticipation and contemplation about the factors contributing to this concerning trend among Tanzanian residents.
In the span of five years, Tanzania has witnessed a staggering increase in su!cide rates, with a total of 3,420 cases reported. This troubling statistic comprises a majority of men and women, with a minority being individuals under the age of 18.
The roots of these su!cides often lead back to young girls grappling with a multitude of daily social challenges that generate unbearable levels of stress. Additionally, some individuals opt for this tragic path when faced with incurable diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, which they find too burdensome to endure.
7. Mozambique

Mozambique, a nation with an AK-47 on its flag, symbolizes a stark reality of conflict and a place where every individual must become a soldier, as they navigate the thin line between civilization and its opposite. To the world, this image can appear as a symbol of hopelessness, marked by ruthless aggression, defense, and internal strife, particularly in certain regions of Mozambique.
Being one of the poorest and least developed countries in Africa, Mozambique faces a multitude of challenges and hardships that contribute to a high rate of su!cides. For instance, many rural areas lack proper sanitation, forcing people to walk extensive distances to reach rivers, where they face the risk of contracting diseases like Malaria and other waterborne illnesses.
R*pe is also an unfortunate reality in Mozambique, albeit less frequent than in some other countries. Such traumatic experiences can drive victims to consider su!cide, as they grapple with the life-altering consequences. As a result, Mozambique has earned the unfortunate moniker of the “Number 1 su!cide nation in Africa.” The country’s pervasive poverty and susceptibility to incurable and chronic diseases make su!cide a tragically common occurrence.
6. Suriname

Suriname, a nation deeply rooted in staunch Indian family traditions and beliefs, exerts a powerful and often painful influence on its inhabitants. These strict traditions, while important to many, can push individuals to such despair that Suriname has found itself among the countries with the highest su!cide rates.
Indian women, in particular, face tremendous challenges, especially when their arranged marriages take an unlucky turn or, even worse, when they remain unmarried. The shame this brings upon their family’s reputation can result in horr!fic consequences, including being subjected to acts of v!olence such as burning, dismemberment, r*pe, m*rder, or disfigurement through acid attacks, among other he!nous acts.
In the face of such grim prospects, women, as beautiful as they may be, sometimes find su!cide as a desperate escape from the inhumane treatment inflicted by cruel men or as a result of their inability to conform to the rigid societal norms in Suriname. Additionally, Suriname’s economic struggles, characterized by poverty and a lack of viable employment opportunities, contribute to the hardship faced by its residents. Factors like s*xual exploitation, inadequate access to healthcare, child labor, and limited educational prospects only further compound the challenges faced by the people of Suriname.
5. Lithuania

Lithuania, at one point, held the dubious distinction of having the highest official su!cide rate globally, surpassing the combined rates of Spain and the United States of America. What’s even more alarming is that the su!cide rate in Lithuania is twice as high in its rural areas.
The prevailing cause behind many of these trag!c su!cides lies in people’s dire circumstances. Factors like alcoholism, substance abuse, and drug overdoses, which strain the body and mind, play a significant role in pushing individuals to the brink. The overwhelming weight of their life situations and circumstances, combined with the mental toll, can be enough to lead someone to a premature death.
Lithuania’s severe poverty exacerbates this crisis, with people who once held jobs and enjoyed a reasonable standard of living now reduced to scavenging in the streets, sleeping on sidewalks, or seeking shelter under cardboard and tattered clothes. The lasting effects of the communist past in the country have left many in such dire straits.
In this challenging environment, hope is a scarce commodity for many suffering individuals in Lithuania, which sadly acts as a powerful motivating factor driving them to take that final, irreversible step toward ending their lives.
4. Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka grapples with one of the highest su!cide rates globally, with a staggering 4,000 individuals ending their lives each year, equating to approximately 11 people every day. This disheartening trend threatens entire communities, as it has the potential to erode them within a matter of weeks.
Contrary to cliché explanations, the root causes often stem from financial woes. Many individuals worldwide have experienced the relentless burden of bills and debts at some point in their lives, and in Sri Lanka, financial problems can inflict excruciating pain, pushing individuals to the brink of despair. The relentless cycle of thought, depression, and desperation can lead to catastrophic consequences.
Regrettably, some feel that when banks, jobs, or even friends and family fail to offer a lifeline out of their predicament, the only escape left is to end their own lives. Beyond financial issues, several factors contribute to these tragic circumstances, including the weight of Indian traditions, peer pressure from gangs, limited access to education that could lead to skilled employment, all of which intertwine with financial struggles, making it one of the prominent and pervasive causes behind the alarming su!cide rates in Sri Lanka.
3. South Korea

Asian countries are known for their resilience, substantial populations, and modernization. While China boasts the world’s highest population, it’s essential to recognize that the sheer number of people in a country doesn’t diminish the significance of each life, even if only a few choose to end their own.
On the contrary, South Korea, despite being a smaller nation, experiences a considerable population. Consequently, when a substantial portion of that population contemplates su!cide, it’s a cause for grave concern. It’s almost as if the very existence of the nation hangs in the balance, hypothetically speaking, and that’s the level of distress it evokes.
South Koreans are often perceived as highly intelligent, accomplished, and educated individuals. Yet, they grapple with a paradox where many resort to su!cide or relocate to escape their troubles, unknowingly carrying their problems with them, a choice that could be seen as less-than-wise.
Su!cide is an exceedingly serious matter that demands sensitivity and compassion. In South Korea, a somewhat comical irony emerges as some of those who take their lives are businessmen dissatisfied with their ventures’ performance, a seemingly trivial reason for such a drastic step. This raises the poignant question: why embark on a journey to success only to abandon it when facing difficulties?
2. Japan

Japan, a nation with a population of 126,387,171, is unfortunately counted among the countries with the highest su!cide rates. In the past year alone, a staggering 25,000 people took their own lives, a rate three times higher than that of the United Kingdom. While addressing this issue, it’s essential to maintain sensitivity, particularly when discussing unique cases, such as a 71-year-old Japanese man who chose a fiery end by setting himself alight in Japan’s bullet train.
With its large population, Japan grapples with a unique set of challenges. The issues that drive many Japanese to the brink are often considered less severe when compared to the hardships faced by those in other regions with high su!cide rates. Factors such as depression and economic crises can exert an overwhelming influence on the average Japanese man or woman, compelling them towards trag!c decisions.
These issues, though painful, are often temporary and can be overcome with time. However, due to Japan’s substantial population, if a significant portion adopts this mindset, it could potentially lead to an alarming increase in su!cide rates in the years to come. An economic crisis, in particular, poses a severe threat to Japanese businessmen, given their strong reliance on the production and export of Asian-manufactured goods, making their economy closely intertwined with other nations.
1. Guyana

Guyana holds the unfortunate distinction of ranking number one in the list of countries with the highest su!cide rates. It’s a harsh reality that the people of this nation are facing an alarming crisis, with su!cide rates that have garnered worldwide attention.
While the common factors like depression, poverty, chronic illnesses, lack of education, unemployment, civil unrest, family conflicts, and mental health issues contribute significantly, there’s an even more shocking element at play in Guyana: witchcraft. This unconventional factor has played a pivotal role in the country’s skyrocketing su!cide rates.
Witchcraft, intertwined with folklore and spiritual practices, has become a controversial phenomenon that extends not only across Guyana but also throughout many parts of the African continent. Over the years, scientists, psychologists, and other professionals have made efforts to understand the influence of witchcraft on the human mind and body. The results of their studies can be unsettling to the faint-hearted.
Nevertheless, witchcraft seems to be a dominant and destructive contributing factor in Guyana’s high su!cide rates. When one’s mind is manipulated by paranormal or spiritual forces, it can lead individuals to self-destruct to avoid causing harm to others. This complex interplay of factors makes Guyana the country with the highest su!cide rates, surpassing all others.