Checkout the Top 10 Wonders Of The World;

Throughout history, humans have been captivated by the remarkable achievements in architecture and engineering that define the seven wonders of the world. These awe-inspiring monuments have endured the test of time, surviving wars, natural disasters, and political turmoil, and continue to inspire us with their sheer magnificence and grandeur. From the towering pyramids of Giza … Read more

The Great Eri; The Father Of The Igbos From Whom They Descended. His Father Was Mentioned In The Bible

According to Igbo folklore, the Eri people trace their ancestry to Eri, a divine figure who was sent from heaven to establish civilization. Eri’s father, Gad, was one of the sons of Jacob and a concubine mentioned in the Bible. Legend has it that Eri served as a high priest in Egypt during the reign … Read more

5 People Whom Their Brain Injuries Gave Them New Extraordinary Abilities.

The power of the brain is remarkable! Despite experiencing trauma, certain individuals have exhibited exceptional abilities through compensation from their brains. Acquired savant syndrome is observed following brain trauma, where new talents and skills manifest in an individual previously considered “normal”. According to Mara Klemich, PhD, a neuropsychologist experienced in treating brain injuries and other … Read more

Samson & More; The Top 4 Strongest Men In History

If you’re a fan of witnessing the world’s most colossal and resilient men tackle historical strength challenges that would make a normal person scared, then you’re in luck because that’s exactly what “The Strongest Man in History” offers. This fresh series chronicles the adventures of four strongmen as they not only compete against each other … Read more

Justin Fashanu: First Known Openly Black Gay Footballer Who Sadly Took His Own Life.. His Story

Gay Footballer

Justin Fashanu, an English footballer of Nigerian heritage, made history as the first professional footballer to command a £1 million transfer fee in 1981. Fashanu was also known for being the first openly gay professional footballer. He played for several clubs between 1978 and 1997 and was known to be gay by his early clubs, … Read more

The Real Story About the India Vs Nigeria Football Match That Ended 99-1

Almost every Nigerian is familiar with the legendary India vs Nigeria football match, which reportedly ended with India winning by a score of 99-1. Prior to the widespread use of the internet, this tale circulated widely in Nigeria, but with the rise of social media and easy access to information, the reality of the match … Read more

Top Ten Scariest Wildest Animal Attacks On Humans of 2022

Animals, particularly those in the wild, exhibit a predictably unpredictable behavior. They may appear cute and cuddly at one moment, but transform into vicious predators the next. Those who reside near natural habitats typically comprehend this fact and adopt practical safety measures. However, the animal assaults that transpired in 2022 serve as a reminder that … Read more

The Coconut Grove Fire, Which Resulted In The Loss Of 492 Lives; Deadliest Nightclub Fire in American History.

The Cocoanut Grove, situated at 17 Piedmont Street in downtown Boston, Massachusetts, was a restaurant and supper club that was constructed in 1927. Although nightclubs were not officially recognized in Boston at that time, the Cocoanut Grove served as a popular entertainment venue. The narrow cobblestoned Piedmont Street, now paved, was located near the Park … Read more