I’m Sure You Didn’t Know that California was Named After A Black Queen.

The statement that California was named after “calida fornax” (hot furnace) and “cal y fornos” (meaning “lime and furnace”) is supported by certain historical documents. However, there is growing interest in an alternative explanation for the origin of the state’s name. According to this theory, California was named after a black queen named Queen Calafia. … Read more

In A World Of Men, She Conquered. This Is The Story Of The Great Queen Amina

It has been a challenging endeavor to uncover the history of women. The lack of information, particularly in written form, has been so severe that some of the most notable women throughout history have been mistaken for men, and their accomplishments erroneously credited to male leaders. Throughout African history, women have continually striven for excellence … Read more

This Is What Happened To The True Cross Where Jesus Was Nailed & Crucified

During the Medieval period, relics held great significance in Europe, with bones or pieces of clothing associated with saints and apostles, Jesus, drawing pilgrims from all corners. This led to a race among churches across the continent to acquire relics, even passing off fake ones as authentic. The most sought-after relics were those linked to … Read more

7 Amazing Tips On How To Identify Fake Popular Products From The Original

The counterfeit industry is projected to reach a value of nearly $3 trillion, encompassing a wide range of fake and original products from Adidas sneakers and Louis Vuitton bags to Chanel perfume and decorative cosmetics. Marketers invest significant effort in convincing us to pay exorbitant prices for these luxury items, and as a result, many … Read more

Experts Advise That You Should Never Wear These 5 Clothing On During A Flight.

Most people love to travel on vacation trips when they are not working or schooling, but knowing the right thing to wear for your health and safety during a flight is always difficult. While you arrange your luggage, you probably don’t think about what you are going to wear during the flight. Before you get … Read more