7 Toughest Riots/Wars In Nigeria That Almost Tore the Country Apart.

In Nigeria, a multitude of factors have contributed to conflicts and tension among ethnic, religious, and political groups. Nationalistic sentiments, whether based on religion, politics, or ethnicity, have sparked riots and clashes over issues such as power distribution, economic decline, resource allocation, and ethnoreligious differences. While some of these conflicts could have been prevented, others … Read more

Experts Advise That You Should Never Wear These 5 Clothing On During A Flight.

Most people love to travel on vacation trips when they are not working or schooling, but knowing the right thing to wear for your health and safety during a flight is always difficult. While you arrange your luggage, you probably don’t think about what you are going to wear during the flight. Before you get … Read more

Hunza People; The People That Never Get Sick, Get Cancer And Live Up To 120 Years – This Is Their Secret

Everybody wants good health but not everyone is so lucky to be blessed with good health. The Hunza People are blessed with good health and are well known for their very strong immune system which is highly resistant to ailment. When these people were asked about their secret to good health, their answers varied based … Read more