Studying Digital Marketing Management at the University of Wolverhampton is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. You’ll agree with me after discovering the reasons that are explained in this article.
Hi, my name is Oziegbe Onomeasike, a Digital Marketing Management International Student at the University of Wolverhampton. I’m going to be sharing my experience as a student of this amazing University. I’m halfway done with my program and I have so much to say about my learning experience so far.
It was an unusual Friday evening for me because I had to say goodbye to my family for the first time since we got married, my mind kept racing with thoughts. My daughter was too busy watching her nursery rhymes, she didn’t know that Daddy would be gone for a while.
This journey had better be worth it, I said to myself
But all that changed after I finally started my Master’s Degree studies at the University of Wolverhampton. It’s a learning community where you never feel alone. The lecturers and all other members of staff are always very professional in carrying out their duties but also kind and always willing to help in any way that they can.

Although I offer some other courses, I’m going to be talking about my learning experience under Dr. Imran Maqbool Khan, who teaches us ‘Search Engine and Social Media Marketing’. This is one of the courses which I enrolled in at the University. I will try not to bore you with my story because if I truly want to tell you everything about my learning experience, it would take a million years.

Because I resumed two weeks after my colleagues, I felt that I wouldn’t be able to meet up and understand the course as I should but Dr. Imran always carries everyone along. That’s one of the outstanding qualities of the University of Wolverhampton, our lecturers are very patient and wouldn’t mind going over a particular point over and over again until everyone understands it.
After every class, our lecturers would stay back just to see how the students (us) are doing with their school work, and help us solve any challenges regarding that particular course. I now understand many aspects of Digital Marketing such as SEO, Email Marketing, Social Media Marketing, PPC, and Analytics that I previously didn’t understand. This makes me feel more confident as a Digital Marketer because I know that I can solve almost any problem that my clients will bring my way in the nearest future.

I always believe in a quote which says that “its not about one tree, but all about the entire forest”
In my class, everyone gets it, that’s the beauty of studying Digital Marketing Management at the University of Wolverhampton and having an amazing lecturer like Dr. Imran. Our classes are more like a friendly meetings, where everyone participates. We are mostly split into groups and asked to exchange ideas, then one person is selected to present the group’s ideas to the entire class. This is a very good strategy because it prepares us for the industry, activities like board meeting presentations and group tasks wouldn’t be difficult for us because we have already been groomed at the University.

I have gained massive knowledge from the boot camps organized by our lecturers, we’ve also had top company staff who have visited us to enlighten us about many things to expect in the industry. It’s only the end of my first semester and I already feel like I know of 10 years worth in Digital Marketing. This is because the University of Wolverhampton puts the students as their priority above anything else.
The University of Wolverhampton isn’t just teaching us to become regular members of the digital marketing industry, they are creating the next top elite digital marketers. The University meets all standards of a top-class higher institution, with all the necessary facilities needed by students for learning. We have so many international students here, you wouldn’t feel far away from home.
Coming to the midpoint of my studies at the University of Wolverhampton, I’m certain that the sky isn’t my limit but my starting point. The world isn’t ready for the massive knowledge that I’m about to bring into the Marketing Industry, many thanks to my lecturers, and every member of staff at the University of Wolverhampton.