Mother from London Pleading with Husband to End Her Life After Beauty Facial Procedure went Disastrously Wrong.

Laura Turner had a happy and successful life with a 15-year career as a project manager and three children. However, her life changed drastically due to a single decision that left her dealing with unanticipated physical damage. Despite the seriousness of the situation, many medical professionals did not see it coming.

Laura invited MyLondon into her Morden home one Tuesday morning and decided to share her story after much internal debate. She sat on one end of her L-shaped sofa, taking a deep breath before beginning to speak.

As a working mother, Laura always had a busy life. In an effort to take some time off from her busy routines, she decided to get a facial. She now regrets going for it as it was this single decision that led to an unfortunate chain of events in her life. According to her, it was a sliding door moment in time, and had she not gone for the facial, all of this would not have happened.

It’s essential to remember that even the most ordinary decisions can have significant consequences. Life is uncertain, and it’s always best to be prepared and take care of oneself and loved ones.

This is the clinic she did the surgery but it has now been renamed. CC;

Laura visited RHealthB, formerly known as the Radiance Clinic, situated on Kingston Road in Wimbledon, on November 3rd, 2021, seeking a basic exfoliating facial. When contacted by MyLondon in May 2022, staff at RHealthB confirmed that Laura had indeed visited their establishment in 2021.

According to Laura, instead of the exfoliating facial she requested, she was administered a galvanic facial. She alleges that the beautician did not explain that this procedure involves using electrical currents to stimulate the skin on her face. Additionally, Laura stated that the beautician did not conduct any pre-screening questions before the treatment began.

Shortly after the treatment commenced, Laura experienced a burning sensation in her mouth, accompanied by pain and an unusual feeling in her teeth. She immediately requested the beautician to stop the procedure.

It is crucial to prioritize self-care, especially when undergoing medical procedures or treatments. Always ensure to thoroughly understand the details of any treatment before consenting to it. Promptly communicate any discomfort or issues to ensure appropriate assistance is provided. 🔍

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After the beautician began the treatment, Laura informed her about the metal retainer wire behind her teeth, which the beautician had not asked about during any pre-screening questions. Laura left shortly after, but upon conducting basic research, she discovered that the treatment involved electrical currents, which can interact unfavorably with metal in the body.

Following the treatment, Laura experienced persistent pain in her teeth and a burning sensation in her mouth. Despite trying alternative therapies to alleviate the discomfort, none were effective. Eventually, she sought consultation with a neurologist at St George’s Hospital in Tooting.

It is crucial to disclose any underlying medical conditions or concerns before agreeing to a treatment or procedure. This disclosure ensures that the treatment plan can be customized to address individual needs and avoid potential complications. 💡

Laura described the expert’s diagnosis as “likely electrothermal injuries to her alveolar nerves due to the facial treatment.” The expert recommended tricyclic antidepressants to manage the pain, but Laura was hesitant because of past adverse reactions to medications like codeine and the Mirena coil. She clarified that she wasn’t experiencing depression but had reservations about the suggested medication.

Despite her concerns, the neurologist strongly recommended nortriptyline for neuropathic pain relief. Laura reluctantly took her first dose of nortriptyline one Saturday evening.

It’s crucial to maintain open communication with healthcare professionals to ensure accurate diagnosis and treatment. If you have any reservations or concerns about prescribed medications, it’s important to discuss them openly to explore alternative options and address any underlying issues. 💊

One hour after falling asleep, Laura woke up experiencing severe difficulty breathing and a sensation of pins and needles throughout her body. She feared for her life and was rushed to the emergency room by her husband, Duncan. Medical scans conducted at the hospital revealed no abnormalities. Laura believed her symptoms were caused by the medication or possibly a panic attack, although she had never experienced panic attacks or any psychological issues before.

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Laura refused to take another dose of the medication, convinced it was responsible for her symptoms. She had a follow-up appointment with her neurologist several weeks later.

It’s crucial to pay attention to your body and promptly report any unusual symptoms or reactions to healthcare professionals. This communication helps medical professionals identify the problem accurately and find an appropriate solution. 👩‍⚕️


Laura expressed fear after being criticized by the neurologist for not adhering to the prescription to take amitriptyline, a medication she avoided due to its sedative effects, particularly because she had three young children. Despite her instincts advising against it, she yielded to pressure from family members who did not experience any negative effects from the medication.

After starting amitriptyline, Laura developed complete insomnia within a few days, which was alarming considering the drug’s potent sedative properties. This condition severely impaired her daily life, confining her to her home. It’s crucial to acknowledge that medications affect individuals differently, highlighting the importance of promptly reporting any unusual symptoms or reactions to healthcare professionals to ensure the most appropriate treatment is found for each person. 💊

Laura’s physician prescribed alternative antidepressants, such as mirtazapine and pregabalin, an anticonvulsant used for anxiety and neuropathic pain. However, according to doctor’s notes Laura obtained in 2023, these medications were initiated and discontinued within a short period. Within a week, she started and then stopped three different medications. Eventually, Laura was reinstated on mirtazapine. She had multiple consultations with doctors during this time and disclosed suicidal feelings to one doctor in April 2022.

Laura reported that despite feeling suicidal and experiencing functional impairment since starting the medication, doctors dismissed her concerns. The product label’s black box warnings included suicide risks, yet medical professionals did not acknowledge the medication as a potential cause of her symptoms. Duncan, Laura’s partner, observed physical signs like excessive sweating, significant weight loss, and severe mouth pain in Laura.

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Additionally, Laura displayed uncharacteristic behaviors such as extreme agitation and panic, which distressed both of them. Feeling unheard, Laura described isolating herself in the kitchen and venting anger by throwing things, behavior completely atypical for her.

Laura was aware that her children, aged 2, 6, and 8 at the time, witnessed her rapid decline, which was frightening for them and her partner. She distinctly remembers telling her partner that she wanted him to end her life. Despite being prescribed zopiclone, a potent sleeping tablet, Laura still struggled to sleep. She would lie down and close her eyes, but sleep remained elusive.

Laura reached out to support services in crisis several times, but it wasn’t until she visited St Helier A&E that she received a diagnosis of somatoform symptom disorder. Laura contested this diagnosis, arguing that it was given by mental health nurses who lacked the authority to diagnose or prescribe medication.

Laura felt overwhelmed after seeing the fear in her children’s faces and in other people’s faces, and she knew she couldn’t handle it. Laura left anymore her children in the care of the staff at A&E and called her husband before walking back to her car. She felt emotional and tearful, thinking she would never see her children. Laura later took again an overdose and fell from a building in Croydon. She suffered from broken clavicle, ribs, and pelvis and was taken to St George’s Hospital. During her journey to the hospital, Laura was arrested on allegations that she attempted to poison her children.

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