“Father Reports to Police: Says He ‘Legally D!sciplined 10-Year-Old Daughter, She Passed Away'”

“Father of 10-Year-Old Girl Called Police Claiming He ‘Legally’ Be*t Her for Being ‘Naughty’

In Britain, a 10-year-old girl named Sara Sharif was found dead at her home on August 10, 2023, with burns, likely human bite marks, broken bones, and severe bruises. Her father, Urfan Sharif, 42, called the police, stating emotionally that he had ‘legally punished’ her and she died, confessing, ‘I’ve k!lled my daughter.’ He further explained that he ‘beat her up’ without intending to kill her for being ‘naughty,’ but admitted to excessive force.

Cc: Unilad

Alongside Sara’s body, a note allegedly from Sharif was discovered saying, ‘It’s me, Urfan Sharif, who killed my daughter by beating. I swear to God my intention was not to kill her. But I lost it. I am running away because I am scared.’ Sharif, along with stepmother Beinash Batool, 30, and uncle Faisal Malik, 28, fled to Pakistan on August 9. They are now on trial for Sara’s m*rder, with prosecutors describing her suffering as part of a ‘campaign of abvse,’ implying the abuse was ongoing rather than an isolated incident.

Cc: Unilad

During the trial, it was suggested by prosecutor Bill Emlyn Jones KC that Sara endured weeks of physical abvse rather than just a one-time incident. Sharif claimed his wife primarily cared for Sara, alleging his confessions were to protect his partner. Meanwhile, Batool accused Sharif of being a ‘violent disciplinarian’ who regularly assaulted his daughter, while Malik denied any knowledge of the abuse. The trial continues.”

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