‘Diagnosed Soc!opath’ Shares What They Enjoy That Would ‘D!sgust Others’

A TikToker who claims to have been diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) has shared why she “enjoys” certain emotions that most people typically find distressing. While “sociopathy” is not an official diagnosis, exhibiting related traits can lead to an ASPD diagnosis. The TikToker, who identifies herself as a “narcissistic sociopath” and says she’s been professionally diagnosed with both ASPD and narcissistic personality disorder, uses her platform to increase awareness about these conditions.

Cc: Unilad

According to the National Library of Medicine, psychopathy is a neuropsychiatric disorder involving impaired emotional responses, a lack of empathy, and difficulty with self-control, often resulting in chronic antisocial behavior.

In a recent video, the TikToker, known as Delta (@dammitdelta), explains that at age 26 she realized most people don’t actually enjoy emotions like hate and rage. She had assumed others felt similarly because she finds these emotions enjoyable. This insight led her to explore her unique perspective.

“My ASPD dulls a lot of my emotions. I don’t feel things like empathy or remorse, and most of my other emotions are muted,” Delta explains. “I think I enjoy emotions like hate and rage because they’re intense and feel genuine, while my other emotions are usually brief and shallow.”

Cc: Unilad

This emotional dullness has driven Delta to engage in risky behaviors or seek out situations that evoke strong emotions, like anger, by initiating conflicts.

Delta challenges the stereotype of being “emotionless,” clarifying that she struggles with “emotional regulation” and has a “limited” emotional range. “I like the intensity of emotions like hate. While these feelings may distress others, I find them enjoyable and actively seek them out,” she says.

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