20 Strangest Human Experiments Ever Conducted In History

In the quest to discover new things, people have indulged in some of the strangest human experiments you could ever imagine. When people hear the phrase “human experimentation,” they may immediately conjure up images of Frankenstein, the iconic symbol of such practices. However, this is a fictional portrayal rather than a true depiction. In reality, … Read more

Ten Times Human Military Fought Against Sea Monsters!!

Sea monsters

Sea monsters are part of nature and sometimes nature doesn’t always agree with man. Nature and man have formed strange and sometimes dangerous relationships on the high seas. The military has encountered various sea creatures during their operations, creating both respect and fear for the ocean. These experiences range from close encounters with predators to … Read more

10 Mysterious Places On Earth That You Are Not To Visit

This world is full of unexplored wonders, but unfortunately, there are certain mysterious places that are prohibited for visitation. Despite our desire to explore every nook and corner of the world, we are unable to do so due to this restriction. Here are a few examples. 10) GOOGLE DATA CENTRE The security measures implemented at … Read more

Kabuki Mask; The Very Interesting Ancient Japanese Culture

The Kabuki mask has a rich history in Japanese culture, serving as a symbol of traditional Japanese art. It is an integral part of Japanese theatre, including Noh and Bunraku, and is worn by theatre actors or Shinto dancers, especially during Japanese festivals. In Kabuki Theatre, the use of masks and makeup is an important … Read more

Merchant Royal!! The Gold Ship That Sank With Treasure Worth £1 Billion. Find It and The Money Is Yours?

Merchant Royal was a ship that carried lots of gold but unfortunately sank into the sea and has never been found. On September 23, 1641, the Merchant Royal, an English galleon carrying a cargo of gold and silver, sank off the coast of Cornwall, and its location remains a mystery to this day. While believed … Read more

The Story Of Marie Curie : The Woman That Changed Science

Marie Curie’s remarkable career was defined by a series of groundbreaking achievements. She was a true trailblazer in the field of science, and her contributions to the study of radioactivity and the discovery of new elements continue to inspire researchers today. Among her many firsts, Marie Curie was the first woman to win a Nobel … Read more

The Real Story About the India Vs Nigeria Football Match That Ended 99-1

Almost every Nigerian is familiar with the legendary India vs Nigeria football match, which reportedly ended with India winning by a score of 99-1. Prior to the widespread use of the internet, this tale circulated widely in Nigeria, but with the rise of social media and easy access to information, the reality of the match … Read more

20 Roman Inventions That People Still Used Today.

The city-state of Rome founded the Roman Empire in the 8th century BCE, which endured from 509 BCE to 27 BCE, marked by significant political and economic growth. It was an era of remarkable cultural and artistic achievements, reflecting the innovative and technologically advanced society of Ancient Rome. The legacy of the Ancient Romans extends … Read more

The Horrible Practice Of Finger Amputation Among Women of the Dani Tribe.

Marriage customs vary greatly across different societies, and the phrase “for better or worse” holds different meanings depending on the culture. In certain regions such as Papua, New Guinea and Wamena in the Jayawijaya Regency of Indonesia, the concept of “till death do us part” and familial bonds involves the cutting off of fingers, a … Read more