Meet The Nigerian Ruler Attah Ameh Oboni, Who Refused to Shake Hands with the Queen of England.

Attah Ameh Oboni, the highly respected traditional leader, assumed the throne of Igala land on May 1, 1945. His reign was remarkable and more significant than any of his predecessors, with the exception of Ayegba Om’Idoko, the esteemed ancient ruler of Igala land who fought for the independence of his Kingdom. Born in 1911, Attah … Read more

5 Strongest Viking Warriors: Starting From Ivar The Boneless To Harald Hardrada

Despite being renowned for their success as traders, settlers, and explorers, the Vikings are perhaps best known for their notorious reputation for v*lence and warfare. Although the Vikings had many other noteworthy qualities, they also produced some of the most formidable warriors in history. Our list of the top five f*ercest Viking fighters excludes famous … Read more

Famous African gods You Should Know

Before the continent’s colonization by Europe and Arabia, Africans held beliefs in spirits and were spiritual. They also held a belief in a Supreme Being who was credited with creating everything on earth. The concept of ‘god’ varies among ethnic and linguistic groups. Below are some African deities that are worth knowing: 6) Nana Buluku … Read more

7 Toughest Riots/Wars In Nigeria That Almost Tore the Country Apart.

In Nigeria, a multitude of factors have contributed to conflicts and tension among ethnic, religious, and political groups. Nationalistic sentiments, whether based on religion, politics, or ethnicity, have sparked riots and clashes over issues such as power distribution, economic decline, resource allocation, and ethnoreligious differences. While some of these conflicts could have been prevented, others … Read more

The Most Secluded House In The World; The Story Behind It.

In the southern region of Iceland, lie several small islands, mostly uninhabited. However, amongst them, there is one that stands out – Elliðaey. This tiny island gained fame in the 21st century for a solitary house situated in its center, which is surrounded by seclusion. If you are familiar with this image of a remote … Read more

Argentina;.The Only Country To Have 5 Presidents In 12 Days. Checkout Details

In this article, we will provide a comprehensive account of the events that resulted in five consecutive government changes in Argentina within just two weeks in 2001. Argentina, a South American country, had amassed a debt of millions of dollars and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) had ceased providing financial assistance. Additionally, a limit was … Read more

Diogo; The African King That Fought and Pursued Portuguese Slave Traders Out Of His Kingdom

After overthrowing his uncle Pedro Nkanga a Mvemba, King Diogo, who was the grandson of King Afonso I of Kongo, took the throne. This resulted in his uncle seeking sanctuary in a church located in Sao Salvador. After overthrowing his uncle Pedro Nkanga a Mvemba, King Diogo, who was the grandson of King Afonso I … Read more

Bhopal Disaster; World’s Worst Industrial Disaster That Claimed Over 2,200 Lives.

Despite a decrease in demand for pesticides in the early 1980s, UCIL continued production, resulting in a buildup of unused MIC at the Bhopal facility. Two local trade unions first raised concerns about pollution within the Bhopal plant in 1976. In 1981, a tragic accident occurred when a worker carrying out maintenance on the plant’s … Read more

The Coconut Grove Fire, Which Resulted In The Loss Of 492 Lives; Deadliest Nightclub Fire in American History.

The Cocoanut Grove, situated at 17 Piedmont Street in downtown Boston, Massachusetts, was a restaurant and supper club that was constructed in 1927. Although nightclubs were not officially recognized in Boston at that time, the Cocoanut Grove served as a popular entertainment venue. The narrow cobblestoned Piedmont Street, now paved, was located near the Park … Read more

All You Need To Know About 1495, When Europe Experienced The Closest Thing To A Zombie Apocalypse

The sweet side of the middle age wasn’t without its challenges. Italy played a very important role during the middle age. In the 15th century. The southern-city state of Naples, faced a disaster that no one could have ever imagined. In the year 1495, Naples was attacked by a deadly syphilis disease that left its … Read more