“Doctor Outlines 5 Symptoms That People You Know May Be Suffering From Borderline Personality Disorder”

Warning: This article discusses suicide, which may be distressing for some readers.

A doctor has highlighted five common symptoms of borderline personality disorder (BPD). Dr. Jaleel Mohammed, a consultant psychiatrist, uses TikTok to educate people about this mental health condition.

BPD, according to the NHS, is one of the most well-known personality disorders, particularly affecting mood and relationships. In a video posted earlier this year, Dr. Mohammed, based in London, outlined five key symptoms of BPD.

Symptom #1: Emotional Instability

Dr. Mohammed describes emotional instability as a core symptom of BPD. “There can be intense mood swings—one minute feeling happy or content, and the next feeling deeply sad, upset, or angry,” he said. “These mood changes can occur several times throughout the day.”

Symptom #2: Unstable Relationships

People with BPD often have turbulent relationships. “They may form close attachments very quickly and see someone as perfect, but if things don’t go as expected, they can feel hurt or betrayed, and suddenly view that person very negatively. This is called idealization and devaluation,” Dr. Mohammed explained.

Symptom #3: Fear of Abandonment

Dr. Mohammed highlights ‘frantic efforts to avoid abandonment’ as another common symptom. “When others find relationships with someone with BPD challenging and want to leave, the person with BPD might react strongly, engaging in self-harm or abruptly ending the relationship to avoid feeling abandoned.”

Symptom #4: Unstable Self-Image

An inconsistent self-image is another symptom. “Individuals with BPD can shift from seeing themselves as good to seeing themselves as bad, or from feeling capable to feeling worthless, depending on their emotional state or the feedback they receive from others,” said Dr. Mohammed.

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Symptom #5: Self-Harm and Suicidal Behavior

The most severe symptom is recurrent self-harm or suicidal thoughts. “Many people with BPD experience intense depression and distress, feeling so worthless that they may repeatedly harm themselves, such as by cutting or overdosing,” Dr. Mohammed added.

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