10 Facts That Will Make You Feel Like You Are Not Intelligent

10. Four out of the ten largest statues in the world are of Buddhas.

Among the 130 largest statues in the world, China boasts the most, with 35 statues, followed by India with 25. It’s no surprise that a significant portion of these statues depict Buddha, who originated in India and is a central figure in one of China’s main religions. The Spring Temple Buddha in Lushan County, Henan, China, stands at 128 meters (420 feet) and is the second-largest statue globally.

9. Artificial banana flavoring is based on an extinct banana.

You might notice that banana-flavored foods don’t taste exactly like real bananas. This is because the artificial banana flavor is based on a variety of banana that was wiped out by a plague in the 1950s.

8. Toilet paper in France is generally pink.

What we typically see as stark white in our homes is a vibrant pink in France. Pink toilet paper is a common choice in French bathrooms and kitchens, reflecting a regional preference. In the 1950s, colored toilet paper was also popular in the U.S., but due to health and safety concerns over the dyes, it was discontinued in the early 2000s.

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7. Like fingerprints, everyone’s tongue print is different.

Here’s a fascinating fun fact: no two tongue prints are alike. The use of tongue prints as a forensic identifier is a relatively recent development.

6. Sonic the Hedgehog isn’t his full name.

Sonic the Hedgehog isn’t his full name—Sega’s mascot is actually named Ogilvie Maurice Hedgehog.

5. Crocodiles, on the other hand, cannot stick their tongues out.

A membrane keeps their tongues attached to the roof of their mouths, preventing them from extending them out of their long snouts. However, alligators have no such restriction and can stick theirs out.

4. At any point in time, 0.7% of the world’s population is drunk.

Right now, 50 million people are currently drunk! Explore more fascinating facts about alcohol!

3. There is McDonald’s in all continents except Antarctica.

McDonald’s, the fast food giant, operates in 120 countries with around 37,855 restaurants worldwide. However, Antarctica is one place where you won’t find a single McDonald’s. In fact, the continent is not only devoid of the chain’s presence but also stands as the world’s only demilitarized region, reserved exclusively for scientific and educational endeavors.

2. A musician named Jim Sullivan mysteriously disappeared 6 years after recording an album called “U.F.O.“

The 1969 album included unusual lyrics about leaving his family and being abducted by aliens. Six years later, Sullivan vanished, with his abandoned car found on a desert road in New Mexico being the only clue.

1. A snail can sleep for three years.

In addition to their surprisingly large number of teeth, these tiny creatures possess some remarkable abilities. A snail’s nap can last anywhere from a few hours to an incredible three years.

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