Things Not to Do on a First Date

Navigating First Dates Can Be Tricky: A Helpful Guide to Follow

6. What About The Bill?


The check arrives. What do you do?

Pay or split?

Pick up the tab! Even with changing norms, 72% of women still feel that the man should pay on a first date.

5. Wrapping Up The Dinner.


To boost the romance after dinner, what’s your move?

Order dessert or kick off a karaoke session?

Go for dessert! Research suggests that sharing something sweet can create a more positive connection between partners.

4. Do You Order For Her Too?


After you’ve ordered, it’s her turn. What should you do?

Do you take charge and order for her or let her decide?

Keep quiet! Let her choose for herself—those old-fashioned gender roles are a thing of the past.

3. What Do You Order?


Now it’s time to order! Should you go for pizza or something more filling?

Skip the pizza! Choosing a hearty meal can boost your chances of securing a second date by 50%. Plus, many appreciate a satisfying dish like a good meat option!

2. Time For Some Chit-Chat About Each Other.


After the pre-drinks, it’s time to get to know each other. Should you dive into an interrogation or start delivering a monologue about yourself?

Neither! Keep it light. Asking thoughtful questions shows genuine interest and helps build a stronger connection without overwhelming them.

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1. What Should You Order?


There’s plenty to think about on a first date, and one of the first decisions is often what to drink. Water or whisky? If you chose water, you might want to reconsider! Having an alcoholic drink can help ease nerves, and research shows it boosts your chances of landing a second date by 137%.

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