Woman Reveals She Was “Forced” to Ab*rt 15 Times for Married Lover and His Wife Before Being Dumped

Harare Woman Alleges Forced Ab*rtions by Former Lover and His Wife Amid Court Dispute

A woman from Harare has made explosive claims that her former lover and his wife coerced her into terminating her pregnancies 15 times before ultimately abandoning her.

The dramatic fallout unfolded during a court session in Zimbabwe on October 1, where Sharon Zhuwawo and her ex-lover’s wife, Valentine Mahlupeko, expressed their grievances.

According to H-Metro, Sharon alleged that Valentine pressured her partner, Goodwill Ndarama, into forcing her to undergo multiple abortions, which ultimately led to a miscarriage and the end of their relationship. After the miscarriage, Sharon claims Ndarama left her for seven other women.

“Valentine manipulated Goodwill into making me have all those abortions. She constantly told me I would never have a child as long as she was alive. I won’t stop until I get my revenge on her for the 15 abortions, the miscarriage, and for Goodwill choosing to be with seven other women. I won’t rest until she pays,” Sharon stated.

Magistrate Mashavire cautioned Sharon against seeking revenge, urging her not to take the law into her own hands. “War is not the solution to your issues. You are warned that if you violate the court’s rules, you will face consequences,” the magistrate said.

Despite the warning, Sharon remained defiant, asserting that she had been married to Ndarama for six years, claiming, “I am not a side chick but Goodwill’s wife. Valentine knew about our marriage; she was involved in my lobola negotiations.”

In response, Valentine recounted her own struggles, stating that tensions escalated after her husband ended his relationship with Sharon and became involved with several other women. Valentine accused Sharon of making repeated threats against her life, blaming her for the breakdown of her marriage.


“She calls me every night, threatening to k!ll me after my husband left her for his seven girlfriends. Sharon comes to my house, accusing me of causing her divorce. She even threatened to abandon her unborn child at my doorstep,” Valentine explained. “Two weeks after her miscarriage, she blamed me, calling me a witch. I now live in fear because she constantly threatens me over events beyond my control.”

Valentine has since sought a peace order against Sharon.

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