71-Year-Old Constructs Fence
to Keep Women Away from Him for 55 Years: “I’m Okay this Way

The 71-year-old man explained that he has resided in his home for 55 years, primarily to evade interactions with or the presence of women. As reported by Afrimax English, Nzamwita has been residing in the house he constructed by his own hands since his teenage years.

“I secure myself in this place and have surrounded my house with a fence to guarantee that women won’t come near me. I prefer to keep women away because they instill fear in me,” the man explained. A woman mentioned that despite his reluctance to interact with them, she and other women still provide him with food.

She disclosed that her acquaintance with Nzamwita dated back to their early childhood, and he had confined himself indoors due to his apprehension of interacting with women. “Oddly, despite his fear of women, we are the ones who assist him in obtaining food and essential items. When we attempt to aid him, he refrains from allowing us to approach or converse with him. Instead, we provide him with items by tossing them into his house, which he then retrieves. He doesn’t permit us to come near him, but he still accepts our offerings from a distance,” she remarked.

As Nzamwita shared, the man’s dwelling lacks distinct rooms, including a separate kitchen and bathroom. He performs all his activities in the same area where he sleeps, which includes cooking and tending to his needs, as there are no separate compartments.

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