7 Amazing Tips On How To Identify Fake Popular Products From The Original

The counterfeit industry is projected to reach a value of nearly $3 trillion, encompassing a wide range of fake and original products from Adidas sneakers and Louis Vuitton bags to Chanel perfume and decorative cosmetics.

Marketers invest significant effort in convincing us to pay exorbitant prices for these luxury items, and as a result, many individuals offer them for a fraction of the cost. Although some counterfeits appear strikingly similar to genuine products, utilizing fake items can pose a hazard as they do not undergo proper certification and inspection.

7. Levi’s jeans

cc; brightside

Ensure that the patch design is free of errors. Authentic Levi’s jeans will have the model, waist, and leg measurements printed in black letters. This is because they produce the stock label and then print these characteristics onto each pair of jeans. The leather patch should not be too light or too dark, and the tag should not fade in the wash. Off-center labels or spelling mistakes are additional indicators that the pair is counterfeit.

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6. Crocs

cc; Brightside

When examining Crocs, check the logo on the insole. Genuine Crocs will feature an imprinted Duke logo with two eyes and six even bumps on the back, along with two hands visible, each with three fingers. They should also have circulation nubs on the insoles, and the Crocs logo should be present in the center of the sole’s bottom on one side.

5. The Cartier Love bracelet

cc; Cartier

For Cartier Love bracelets, the genuine piece will be stamped with its respective metal type, such as Au 750 or 750 for 18k gold and Pt 950 or 950 for platinum. Additionally, a real Cartier Love bracelet will weigh between 30 and 38 grams, depending on the design. Check the serial number on both halves of the bracelet.

4. MAC lipstick

cc; Brightside

When examining MAC lipstick, ensure that the box has a sticker with the hue name and barcode. Real MAC lipsticks will have serial numbers starting with A, B, or C, followed by two numbers, such as A44 or B32. The MAC logo on the cap should appear to be almost carved into the cap, with smaller font and letters that are close together. Genuine MAC lipsticks will have a soft vanilla scent, whereas fake ones may smell like fruit or candy.

3. Louis Vuitton bags

cc; brightside

To verify the authenticity of Louis Vuitton bags, the pattern should be consistent throughout the bag and look straight, with a mirror image of itself going all the way across. The bag’s rear should have upside-down LVs because it is made from one continuous strip of leather. Additionally, examine the bag’s hardware and zipper for quality, as they should be made of actual metal with a gold coating.

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2. Chanel perfume

cc; Harper’s BAZAAR

When examining Chanel perfume, check the raised lettering and alignment of the label, and ensure the small collar around the neck of the bottle is centered and fits correctly. The print on the bottom should be free of spelling errors and in alignment with the bottle. The barcode should be located at the back and bottom of the unopened perfume box, and the batch code should match.

1. Adidas shoes

cc; Brightside

Finally, for Adidas shoes, the original lace eyelets are typically not made of metal, except for some older models, and the number of eyelets should be six on junior and women’s shoes and seven on men’s shoes. The heel logo should fill up the back of the heel and be neatly executed, whereas fake pairs usually have small, deformed, and misspelled logos.

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