Woman Stops Visiting Her Baby Daughter in the Hospital—Then the Married Nurses Caring for Baby Decide to Take Her In

Taylor and Drew Deras have a deep connection to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at Methodist Women’s Hospital in Omaha, Nebraska. It’s not just where they both work as registered nurses; it’s also where they met, fell in love, and ultimately grew their family by adopting a little girl named Ella, one of their former patients.

On the Brink of Survival

Ella was born in May 2021, weighing just 1 pound, 2 ounces—a micro-preemie, roughly the size of a mango. Arriving at only 23 weeks and one day gestation, she faced a lengthy NICU stay with daunting odds against her survival. Recognizing her complex health challenges, Taylor became her dedicated caregiver.

Ella was unable to breathe on her own and spent months on a ventilator. “She was intubated for months,” Taylor recounted to ABC News. “She was very sick. There were times doctors said, ‘Watch her. I don’t know if she’ll make it through the night.’”

Incredibly, Ella defied the odds. By the summer of 2021, she required less oxygen and began to bottle-feed. However, her biological mother, overwhelmed by Ella’s medical needs, started visiting less frequently and eventually stopped altogether. By December 2021, Ella was placed into the state’s custody.

Becoming Foster Parents to a Medically Fragile Child

After spending eight months in the NICU, both Taylor and Drew had developed a deep affection for Ella. Fearing for her future in the foster care system, they made the courageous decision to become her foster parents.

“When Ella’s biological mom heard we were interested, she said, ‘I want Ella to go to you,’” Taylor recalled. “She trusted us with her.”

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Just as the couple prepared to bring Ella home, her health took a turn for the worse. The left side of her heart was failing, and she required a tracheostomy. This would mean needing round-the-clock care, but the couple remained steadfast in their commitment.

“As a foster parent, the guard you had to protect yourself from falling in love with someone else’s child just fizzled away,” Drew shared. “This child needs me, and I need them.”

Ella Comes Home

On April 7, 2022, Ella finally came home. Due to her medical needs, the couple hired a nurse to assist when they weren’t available.

That summer, Ella’s biological parents officially relinquished all parental rights. On November 18, 2023, National Adoption Day, Ella became Ella Deras, and Taylor and Drew proudly embraced their new roles as “mama” and “dad.”

After the judge announced Ella’s new name, the courtroom fell silent until Ella joyfully exclaimed, “Yay.” It’s a moment that brings tears to their eyes even now.

With the support of therapists and specialists, Ella is achieving her developmental milestones. “Now, she’s walking, talking, and doing everything a 2-year-old should be doing. She’ll start preschool in the fall,” Taylor said.

It Was Meant to Be

Taylor believes their journey was all part of God’s plan. “There’s no other way,” she stated.

Parenthood doesn’t follow a single path, and families can take many forms. For Taylor and Drew, their family came together in an unexpected yet perfect way.

“We just feel lucky that it gets to be for the rest of her life,” Drew expressed. “We love her so much.”

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