Mel Placanica, a 31-year-old from Adelaide, experienced severe stomach pain and heavy bleeding, which led to a surprising discovery of five extra organs in her body. Doctors initially suspected a tumor on her uterus, but this diagnosis was incorrect, leaving her with unanswered questions and ongoing tests.
Describing the ordeal as “the worst pain” she’d ever endured, Mel’s symptoms prompted her mother to take her to the hospital. A scan revealed a lump-like shape near her uterus, which doctors thought might be a tumor. A further investigation, involving a laparoscopy to explore her abdomen, was needed to clarify the situation.

In her 30s, Mel had also experienced early menopause, but it wasn’t until she visited a gynecologist for additional scans that she uncovered the truth: she had two sets of reproductive organs—including two uteruses, four ovaries, two cervixes, and an extra kidney.
Reflecting on her experience, Mel advised, “Scans don’t show everything. If they did, it wouldn’t have taken so long to find out what was wrong.” The gynecologist initially also suspected a tumor before discovering the full extent of her unique anatomy.

Mel learned she essentially had two reproductive systems, including two vaginas and three kidneys, and speculated she may have absorbed a twin during development. Following this discovery, she underwent surgery to remove one uterus and two ovaries, leaving her with a single cervix.
Her severe pain was later attributed, in part, to endometriosis, which involved the lining of her uterus.