A Man Successfully Won the Lottery 14 times Using a Clever Strategy, but It Backfires

A man’s mathematical approach to winning the lottery 14 times has impressed many, but it eventually led to legal issues once authorities caught on. Stefan Mandel, an economist from Romania, had to relocate to different countries and assemble a team to execute his strategy, which has now gained attention on TikTok. Mandel, initially earning a … Read more

Woman Compelled to Give Entire £1 Million Lottery Win to Ex-Husband After Making a Huge Mistake

In an unexpected twist, a court has ordered a woman to give her £1 million lottery winnings to the man she was divorcing. Denise Rossi from California filed for divorce from her husband of 25 years just days after winning the lottery. Despite winning a $1.3 million prize, she chose not to inform her then-husband. … Read more