Could the Benben Stone Have Been an Alien Artifact?

The Benben stone, also known as the pyramidion, is a captivating element of ancient Egyptian history that has intrigued scholars and mystery enthusiasts for ages. Often overshadowed by the more famous pyramids and the Sphinx, the Benben stone holds a narrative that could potentially alter our understanding of history. The true nature of the Benben … Read more

Hikers Record Strange Footage of ’10ft Tall Alien Beings’ Observing From a Hilltop.

A captivating video has surfaced online, showcasing two enigmatic figures silhouetted on a hilltop. The recording took place on the Brazilian island of Ilha do Mel, situated approximately 285 miles south of São Paulo in Paraná State. The video captures two figures, purportedly standing at a height of ’10ft,’ atop the cliffside, their silhouettes outlined … Read more

African Shaman Shares Untold History of Reptilian Aliens in Africa.

Credo Mutwa, a renowned African Zulu sangoma from South Africa, recounts a captivating tale passed down from his forefathers about an “alien invasion” that led to the destruction of humankind, attributing it as the source of our suffering. Mutwa, celebrated for his traditional healing abilities, shares firsthand experiences supporting his belief that reptilians, referred to … Read more