Top 10 Countries With the Highest Su!cide Rates Globally.

Su!cide is a worldwide public health concern, impacting individuals of diverse ages, genders, and cultural backgrounds. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 800,000 lives are lost to su!cide annually. Although su!cide rates differ significantly from one country to another, some nations experience a higher prevalence of su!cide cases than others. The thoughts … Read more

The History of Indonesia; All You Need To Know

Indonesia’s historical narrative has been molded by its geographic location, abundant natural resources, a series of human migrations and interactions, conquests, the early arrival of Islam from Sumatra in the 7th century AD, and the emergence of Islamic kingdoms. The nation’s strategic position as a hub for sea trade has played a central role in … Read more

A Cr!me that No Husband Should Watch; M*rders of Jan Pawel & Quiana Jenkins

Trag!cally, on October 15, 2008, United States Marine Corps Sergeant Jan Paweł Pietrzak (born March 13, 1984 – October 15, 2008) and his wife Quiana Jenkins-Pietrzak (born February 16, 1982 – October 15, 2008) fell victim to a he!nous crime, as they were subjected to t*rture, s*xual assault, and ultimately lost their lives at the … Read more

The Man Who Lost $200 Million in G@mbl!ng and Sued the Casinos For Letting Him Do it.

Las Vegas is renowned for its high-stakes, high-roller gamblers, often referred to as “whales,” who serve as the lifeblood of every casino lining the Strip. When a whale arrives at a casino, wagering tens of thousands, or even more, executives go to great lengths to ensure their contentment and continued gambling in the establishment. In … Read more

Top 10 Countries That Have the Highest R*p£ Cr!me in the World

Analyzing r*pe as a cr!me presents significant complexities. In many regions, r*pe is vastly underreported. In certain countries, women are far less likely to have their complaints documented, primarily because of the severe social stigma attached to victims of s*xual ass@ult or the fear of being ostracized by their own families. Statistics on r*pe and … Read more

I’m Sure You Didn’t Know that California was Named After A Black Queen.

The statement that California was named after “calida fornax” (hot furnace) and “cal y fornos” (meaning “lime and furnace”) is supported by certain historical documents. However, there is growing interest in an alternative explanation for the origin of the state’s name. According to this theory, California was named after a black queen named Queen Calafia. … Read more

10 Of The Most Powerful African Women That Shook The 20th Century

The 31st day of July is designated as African Women’s Day throughout the continent, marking a special occasion to honor and acknowledge the significant contributions of African women in shaping a cohesive Pan-African identity. This article presents, without any specific arrangement, a fascinating account of 10 influential African women who left an indelible mark on … Read more

Breaking!! April 4th 1968; The Sad Day Martin Luther King was Assass*nated.

On April 4, 1968, the world was shaken by the tragic assassin*tion of Martin Luther King Jr. in Memphis, Tennessee. King, an influential civil rights leader and advocate of nonv*olent protest, was shot and k*lled by James Earl Ray while he was standing on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel. The assassination had a profound … Read more

20 Strangest Human Experiments Ever Conducted In History

In the quest to discover new things, people have indulged in some of the strangest human experiments you could ever imagine. When people hear the phrase “human experimentation,” they may immediately conjure up images of Frankenstein, the iconic symbol of such practices. However, this is a fictional portrayal rather than a true depiction. In reality, … Read more