Samson & More; The Top 4 Strongest Men In History

If you’re a fan of witnessing the world’s most colossal and resilient men tackle historical strength challenges that would make a normal person scared, then you’re in luck because that’s exactly what “The Strongest Man in History” offers. This fresh series chronicles the adventures of four strongmen as they not only compete against each other … Read more

This Is What Happened To The True Cross Where Jesus Was Nailed & Crucified

During the Medieval period, relics held great significance in Europe, with bones or pieces of clothing associated with saints and apostles, Jesus, drawing pilgrims from all corners. This led to a race among churches across the continent to acquire relics, even passing off fake ones as authentic. The most sought-after relics were those linked to … Read more

Hatshepsut: The Woman Who Ruled Egypt As A Man.

Hatshepsut, a female pharaoh during the New Kingdom in Egypt, held the position of the most powerful person in the Bronze Age world for over 20 years. This period marked the beginning of many significant developments, including writing, centralised states, organised warfare, irrigation projects in the desert, and the emergence of emperors, warlords, and chariots. … Read more

Imhotep: The Real Founding Father of Medicine from Africa.

The Greek physician known as Hippocrates is popularly referred to as the father of medicine but that’s not very correct. It would amaze you to know over 2000 years before Hippocrates was conceived, there was a Black Egyptian known as Imhotep, who was practicing medicine and also wrote medicine books. Imhotep was a genius, he … Read more

This Is What Africans Doing Were During The Time Of Jesus (Including Benin Nigeria)

The Christians believe that Jesus Christ of Nazareth was born around 6 B.C. During this period, Augustus Caesar was still the Emperor of the Roman Empire. Tiberius was already on the throne for about 16 years during this time. Jesus, who was a first-century Jewish preacher and religious leader, was a public figure of the … Read more