Bizarre Incident Explained: News Reporter’s Eyes Seem to Glitch During Live Broadcast

Sometimes we come across things that seem inexplicable, yet often there’s a logical explanation we might not know. If you’re one of those who believe the moon is merely a sophisticated illusion hiding tidal activities caused by enormous turbines powering secret bases of mythical lizard overlords, it might be time for a reality check.

Much like the Scooby-Doo gang exposing ghosts as people in disguise—like Old Man Willis haunting an abandoned fairground—many so-called unexplained events have perfectly rational explanations.

Take the video in question: an old news broadcast where a reporter’s eyes appear to ‘glitch’ while she blinks, looking fixed and glazed. While it might seem like a glitch in the matrix, there’s a technical reason behind it.

Cc: ladbible

This phenomenon is known as a ‘rolling screen repaint artifact.’ According to an informed viewer, this glitch can happen with older antenna-based TV broadcasts when the signal deteriorates as the screen refreshes. As the reporter blinks, the screen updates, but her eye data doesn’t fully render due to her head movement, causing outdated data to appear over her eyes. Essentially, it’s just a technical glitch typical of older broadcasts that might not always produce a clear image. For those seeking to uncover a flaw in reality, it’s simply a quirk of outdated technology. Or is that just what they want you to believe?

Broadcasting news can be inherently unpredictable, with various things capable of going wrong. You may recall a recent incident where a newsreader, unaware she was live on air, spent time scrolling through her phone. There was also the incident of a newsreader who accidentally flipped off the camera during a live broadcast, just joking around with the crew.

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Cc: ladbible

Many other ‘glitch in the matrix’ moments have surfaced, leading us to wonder whether the supposed architects of this strange simulation aren’t doing their best work, or if sometimes, odd things simply happen.

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