The 20 Fastest Animals In The World; Ranked by their Speed. Cheetah isn’t the Fastest

Looking to investigate the swiftest animals on the planet? Look no further – our list of the 20 fastest animals, ranked by speed, is here to satisfy your curiosity. Featuring the Peregrine Falcon, which can reach an astonishing 389 km/h and is the quickest animal on Earth, and the Pronghorn, which reaches a still-impressive 88.5 … Read more

10 Mind-blowing Fights That Family Members Fought Over Inheritance Of Their Late Relative

Discussions about money will always remain a point of contention. While some believe that it can lead to happiness, others maintain the opposite. The truth lies somewhere in between, with the impact of money varying depending on its acquisition. Wealth can be attained through professional success, hard work, or luck. Alternatively, some individuals possess the … Read more

In A World Of Men, She Conquered. This Is The Story Of The Great Queen Amina

It has been a challenging endeavor to uncover the history of women. The lack of information, particularly in written form, has been so severe that some of the most notable women throughout history have been mistaken for men, and their accomplishments erroneously credited to male leaders. Throughout African history, women have continually striven for excellence … Read more

The Finland Wife Carrying Competition

Have you ever stumbled upon cultural practices that left you feeling terrified or amazed? The Wife-carrying competition, also known as Eukonkanto in Finland, definitely falls under the latter category. Eukonkanto, or wife-carrying, may seem peculiar, but it’s an actual sport in Finland. Male competitors, usually with their wives as teammates, race to carry their partners … Read more

10 Things That Are Banned In Saudi Arabia; You Are Not Allowed To Do These Things

When we think of the Middle East, our minds often go straight to Dubai and the United Arab Emirates. However, there are many other countries in the region that are worth considering. One such country is Saudi Arabia, a desert nation that stretches from the Persian Gulf coast through the Arabian Peninsula and along the … Read more

The Great Eri; The Father Of The Igbos From Whom They Descended. His Father Was Mentioned In The Bible

According to Igbo folklore, the Eri people trace their ancestry to Eri, a divine figure who was sent from heaven to establish civilization. Eri’s father, Gad, was one of the sons of Jacob and a concubine mentioned in the Bible. Legend has it that Eri served as a high priest in Egypt during the reign … Read more

Checkout China’s Marriage Market; Where Parents Visit To Find Partners For Their Single Children.

Marriage, while appearing to be a personal choice, has often been utilized as a means of propagating and preserving a culture among people. As the family is considered the fundamental unit of society, the concept of marriage has served as a crucial tool in achieving this goal. Nonetheless, due to various reasons, finding the right … Read more

The Melanesians; Dark Race With Long Blonde Hair.

Have you ever come across blonde-haired black individuals? Melanesians, the black island inhabitants of the South Pacific, are believed to have migrated several millennia ago. The group of islands referred to as Melanesia may have originally been home to the ancestors of the modern-day Papuan people. The region stretches from the western edge of the … Read more

The True Story Of The Real Captain Jack Sparrow (Rakham)

During the ‘Golden Age of Piracy’, John ‘Calico Jack’ Rackham was a notorious pirate captain who pillaged the Caribbean for treasures. Despite his brief two-year career, Calico Jack gained notoriety as a flamboyant buccaneer who sailed alongside the two most famous female pirates in history. Little is known of Rackham’s early years, except that he … Read more