10 Fun Facts That Will Surprise You

A wise person once said, “Learn something new every day.” Though our knowledge of the world is still just a fraction of its vastness, we are constantly discovering fresh insights. This curated list of intriguing facts is bound to make you the most interesting person in any room.

10. “Digging a hole to China” is possible if you start in Argentina.

One of the most intriguing facts about Argentina is that, in theory, you could dig a hole to China from there. While this concept is often depicted in cartoons and comic books, the reality is quite different. Factors such as extreme heat, intense pressure, and a lack of oxygen underground make this whimsical idea impractical in reality.

9. Dead people get goosebumps.

Here’s a fascinating yet slightly unsettling fact: when people die, the tiny muscles beneath their hair follicles contract, making the skin look as though the hair is standing on end. So if you think death is a hair-raising concept, you’re not mistaken!

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8. Australia has the most number of venomous snakes worldwide.

Cc: Australian Geographic

Australia is home to nearly a hundred species of venomous snakes, but surprisingly, only one fatal snake bite incident is reported each year.

7. The brain is the fattest organ.

Cc: Wikipedia

While the stomach may be the most prominent area for fat on our bodies, the brain actually holds the title of the fattiest organ, made up of nearly 60% fat.

6. Tomato ketchup was used as medicine for 16 years.

Cc: Heinz

Whether you love it or hate it, ketchup once served a purpose beyond just topping hotdogs. Surprisingly, it didn’t contain tomatoes until 1834. Before that, ketchup was made from a mix of fish and mushrooms. When Dr. John Cooke Bennet added tomatoes to the recipe, he claimed their antioxidants offered medicinal benefits. He even had a pill salesman turn his tomato ketchup into pills, promoting them as treatments for diarrhea, indigestion, jaundice, and rheumatism.

5. Video games help surgeons perform better.

Cc: Collegiate Ac

A 2007 study revealed that surgeons who played certain video games for a minimum of three hours each week completed surgeries 27% faster and made 37% fewer errors.

4. Antarctica is the only continent without any reptiles or snakes.

Cc: Wikipedia

Not only is the elusive continent of Antarctica devoid of McDonald’s locations, but it also has no lizards. Why is that? Reptiles are cold-blooded and unable to generate their own heat, which means they would freeze in the harsh, frigid climate.

3. We are born with only 2 natural fears: the fear of falling and the fear of loud sounds.

One of the most surprising truths about fear is that all other fears and phobias are learned or developed over time.

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2. Typing keyboards used to be arranged alphabetically.

Cc: Govtech

Have you ever wondered why keyboards aren’t arranged in alphabetical order like the ABCs, instead of the familiar QWERTY layout? You might be surprised to learn that the QWERTY arrangement was chosen at random. Long before PCs and laptops, typewriters were the first devices for typing. Early typewriters featured alphabetic keys, but users typed so quickly that the mechanical arms would jam and tangle. To address this issue, the keys were randomly repositioned to slow down typing and prevent jams.

1. Bangkok is the world’s most visited city.

Cc: facts.net

With 22.78 million international visitors, Bangkok has claimed the title of the world’s most visited city for the fourth year in a row, surpassing Paris, London, Dubai, and Singapore.

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